Party Presidents, SFP, and Congress

Day 850, 17:51 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

Another article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article will be divided into three parts,
-Party Presidents
-Swiss Freedom Party

Starting with...
-Party Presidents
This is a bit late, but it still needs to be wrote :
In the SLP JNArno replaced the leaving Lynari...
In VLR Penguin lost...
Nothing interesting in the SNP,
ooooh, the Swiss Democratic party, now THERE is something interesting.
I made the terrible mistake of assuming that I could run a friendly race against nicktheh without a TO threat. Well, I was wrong, and Ingera joined the race. As soon as I saw this, I realized my mistake, and adopted a Don't Vote profile and created an ad for nicktheh. And, we did it! Nick won! Overall these Party Presidential elections were a bit of a loss, with no real progress, but you know, we kept the SDP, you can't have everything.

Well, unfortunately, Nicktheh left eSwitzerland, leaving the beloved party to the most experienced member, Wazamaza.

Which Leads to our next topic...

-Swiss Freedom Party
Once taking control of the Swiss Democratic Party, Wazamaza changed it to the Swiss Freedom Party. Now, I will have to mourn the loss of my old Party, but the Swiss Freedom Party is not such a bad thing, and now it is time for my bragging 😃

I designed the current logo:

And with a logo like that it has to be cool 😉

Well, continuing on to the last part,
I am again running for congress, and more than ever I will need your vote!
I am working closely with JNArno and other resistance leaders to make sure we maximize resistance votes so I can't tell you where I am running...yet.
As I said... It's

Even the Swiss Cow of Destiny says so 😃
Well, you will know somewhat soonish through incessant shouts and PMs 😃

Also, I know this article probably didn't convince you to vote me all too much, as I don't love doing too many serious issues on this paper, but I have agreed to give an interview on Dan Heylin's paper, I believe his is the American Ambassador to eSwitzerland, well, here is where Paul's Breakthrough Interview will be!

Also, Important notice, if a candidate has a "don't vote" profile pic, then don't vote

I'm sorry for such a boring article, but let's make up for it with some decent anime 😉

Also: I won Cooldude's lottery, 8.75 chf 🙂

And Another Note: I've always argued that Brain mass is not the same as Density, but when I changed my profile pic only Icewood noticed 🙁 He promptly told me that Towlie was cooler so, I will put up a picture in his honor...

And, for your troubles">Life, The Universe and Everything<