Party President of UDM

Day 1,547, 13:58 Published in Philippines Bulgaria by J Grey

Hi Friends!
I have decided to candidate for Party President of the United Democratic Movement.
And now I will try to give you a brief explanation why am I doing it and what will be my objective if I win the elections.

First of all I really like the idea of Democracy and I believe that even in a game like this every single political party have to be based on some ideas and principles!

The other important thing for every party are its members. They should be an united group of people sharing similar opinions. What is missing at moment is that feeling of a unity. This is one of the thigs that I will try to improve. My plan is to do it by articles that will appear regularly in the press and starting of some kind of a party chat or forum where all the members can meet, exchange ideas and prepare plans for the bright future of our society.

My goal with be also to enter into the next Congress elections with clear platform covering all areas of the game – economic, military, foreign relations, etc., which will give a certain direction of ePhilippines. That is something that was missing during the previous elections, where friends supporting and buying votes took advantage over the official parties ideas.

Of course every party member will have the right to participate in creating of that platform. Then all our candidates for the congress will agree on it and we will try to turn it into reality during the next mandate. At the end we will post a report of what of our promises was done.

Generally this is what I promise – serious approach, team spirit, action based on party ideas and principles and of course – visibility and fair play!

We are quite a small society and every one can participate in the political life of the country – just like in the direct democracy! Let’s use that chance and create better options for ePhilippines!

We are in a very interesting and dynamic region of the e-world – and we have every chance of a better statute and a more interesting game. Vote for me as a Party president of UDM and I will try to make it happen, with the help of all of you of course!

Thank you for the support!

Best regards,

J Grey

P.S. You can become a party member of United Democratic Movement - > HERE