Party President Cabinet and subscribe please

Day 902, 08:45 Published in USA USA by Jack Mensley

Its a few days and I’m sitting here, doing nothing. Well not really. currently i have started a creation of a cabinet, in this cabinet i can developed to make our party advance to greater power and lengths.
now some on the cabinet will be in other parties and will be in the cabinet with other intentions that lean toward the parties development. so in short the cabinet is in the parties best intentions and shall help our GDP and more GDP means more people.

so prep yourself for the list of my running cabinet, it will be realeased as of 5/12/10

(also im pretty dang sure i repeated myself 2 already, so feel free to bug up on that).

Jack M

{election endorsed by the church of Fleurism}

Also, just like Josh Frost, i need some people to subscribe so i can be a pirate like Frost... or this guy and his delicous product


i wanna be just like him! /\ or somewhere near it. so please subscribe to this paper, i could use some money for my elections.