Party newspaper "Austrian Royal Party" - Ed. 01/2012 (english)

Day 1,733, 05:29 Published in Austria Poland by Sepp Forcher

Sorry if this is not perfect english, it is partly translated by Google while supervised and corrected I can not guarantee anything 😉

I) Party internals

Ia) Acknowledgements
Thank you all for the confidence and I am especially pleased with the great interest in this election,
we could increase the participation from 10 votes to 16 what testifies to the growing interest in the party.
I'd like to invite the other candidates and their supporters to participate in the upcoming party decision and maybe take some active functions in the party.

Sepp Forcher, party president Austrian Royal Party

b) Any other
I will present in the coming days a separate article to elaborate our party program and other preparations for the congressional elections.
II) Economy

The topic number 1 at the time is probably the econmic crisis. There currently are different theories presented about what might be the cause of the current global crisis, but other than that we have a very special home-made crisis that differs significantly from those of neighboring countries.
While in the neighboring countries, wages are down to about 50-70 and remain there for some time, they are quite stable in eÖsterreich on 20 and partially underneath weggesackt with further downward trend. Do überdurschschnittlich high taxes coming at us.
In short, those who work abroad can expect more than three times of the salary they would get in eAustria, which is not normal! Is it because of extreme import duties of 99% on raw materials, to rip-be entrepreneurs from us or due to other causes?
It is the time to get to the bottom and I'll try to get an opinion of our government on the subject over the weekend.
III) Culture and tradition

The grammatical articles in the Austrian-Boarisch
To the general education of our citizens from abroad here a short article about our dialect, we use as you might know own articles,
the most famous phrase (it's a word joke) is "Das die der Teufel holt" meaning "The devil will get you", the curious thing is that the first 3 words are actually the 3 gramamtical articles we have in german but they have another meaning in the dialect 😃
And here's the resolution:

official German - Dialect
Der ....... Da ....... (Male art.)
Die ....... De ....... (Feminine art.)
Das ....... Des ....... (Neutral art.)
Dass ....... Das ....... (that)
Dich ....... Di(e) ....... (you)