Party for the Parties, Part 3 Concludes

Day 456, 05:19 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

For Part 1 and Part 2 follow the links.

FP: Is there a need for eCanadians to better educate themselves politically and what would be the best way to achieve this?

You are right; there is a need for eCanadians to be well informed about their country’s political life.

Now, allow me to put on my pathetic kiss ass mask and say that the fundamental way to inform our citizens about the different facets of our political life is through the work of journalists like you. I will also keep the mask on and thank some of our best members who opened the ECanadian University on our forum, which might be the best solution to this particular problem.

ES: Absolutely. eCanadians, especially new citizens; Need to get some knowledge before choosing a party. Like I said, newer players get bombarded with 'join this party', advertising. But that does not mean you need to join a party right then. Take your time, and choose one that best suits you. The university is a good place to learn about politics, or you can go to the forums, and ask some questions there.

B: Definitely. Canadians need to stop joining the top 5 parties without reading the other platforms and seeing what else is out there. Check out the non-top 5 parties. If Canucks educated themselves well, certain parties would be empty and others would have a larger base like it should be.

😨 This is something I'd like to focus on in my platform as well. Discouraging what you call "voting along party lines" and getting the population to vote for who they really think is the best candidate. Partially, it is up to the admins; for example, them taking out press releases and descriptions for parties that use to exist in BETA. Also letting presidential candidates have "presentations" like in congress. This is, of course, out of our hands, so I'd like to focus on what we CAN do. We've already created an election centre at the forums so merely encouraging registration there would be a great help. Besides this, we have to encourage parties to advertise their platforms (I don't think they'll need to be forced to do that!). Getting the population involved with the community is the answer here and I will focus on that in my platform.

FP: If you were to propose one main political reform (ideological or systemic) what would it be and why?

I think we should get a system that would help us to get all Congressmen to be at least moderately active on the forums. After all, every single one of the Congress decision are debated there and I think it is a pure waste that some of our elected officials are absent from their seats of responsibility. Their absences are completely unjustified since the eRepublik Congress voting page shows that even the congressmen who are absent from the forum voted. They might as hell try to know what they are voting up while they’re at it.

ES: I haven't really thought about something like that. But I do know I would push for a dress as a clown day. That way I would not feel so lonely when I go to congress meetings, and I am the only one dressed as a clown. It gets tough when you see all the other government people looking at you, with that smirk on their face.

B: I want to see communism implemented in Canada. I think it could work. Perhaps a friendlier eCommunism version built around the game engine.

😨 Asking a teenager on the political left to name ONE ideological change is like asking James Bond to make ONE cheesy double entendre. Seriously, there is no major problem with the system as it is, but it needs minor injections of this and that, here and there. I'd like to focus on certain domestic issues personally- programs like to University where players have something to do. Giving players more than just the "2 clicks". The point is to have a working class that has something to do, and still a chance to succeed. It's not a very realistic world when the ruling class is 95% of the active population.

And that is the last word ladies and gentlemen. We hope the answers have provided you with food for thought and furthermore allowed you a glimpse in the minds of some of our political representatives.

Thank you very much to Antio Fontaine, Emilio Sanchez, Banach and Dominik for their time and cooperation.