Parties and Policies - A Summary

Day 2,392, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by chaznoodles

Hello, once again. Today, after a week or so of contacting parties and attempting to gather together party policies and the like, this article can finally be released. This article intends to outline the differences between parties in their policies and outlook, as well as getting general opinions on said parties. The aim of this is to provide an easier choice for new players in choosing a party instead of picking those with the most members, and provide a detailed summary of the differences between parties for those with more experience.

First to respond to contact was Lord Halifax, the Spokesman for the Great British Democratic Party. Being a lesser-known party, they have not been involved in the conflicts that have occurred between the main parties. His words are here:

The full summary and article link is here:

The GBDP appears to be a small party, a good start for beginners who wish to gain political experienc without being lost within too many members.

Next, we have the People's Communist Party, or the PCP. Currently, the PCP seems to be in the middle of a trolling spree, as is seen in their party description, and the policy sent to me by one Mwcerberus:

When asked for his opinion on the party, Mwc state😛
"Well currently we lack something something that would push us into 1st position ... and thing is simple.... sammy setting up 150 more multi accounts"

Third on the list is the Worker's Rights Party, currently working under Huey George. The WRP seems to have very bold ideas about the managing of our country, and appears to communicate well.

The WRP is further explained here:

A reformed New Era is next, with the spokesman, Michael Ludgate, giving an excellent summary of what the party wants for the nation:

Opposed to the use of propaganda? That's very good, in our current situation.
A useful article from Angela Williams on NEw Era is located here:

Finally on the list, we The Real Spamicans, the true leaders of our nation. When asked about Spamican policy, Prof. J Moriarty said this:

Full support, 10/10 would vote.

Earlier today, Hollenboer, the spokesman of Vendetta, provided an outline as to what Vendetta stand for without prompt! Hats off to Hollen for being forward-thinking!

Alongside this, we also got another mail from a member of the party, Luke A, who thoughtfully gave a more detailed approach to what Vendetta's policies are!

On the note of other parties, The UKRP stated they they were putting something together, then never replied.

The Unity Party is going through a change of their policy, and so politely declined to provide policy due to this.

The UKPP/ESO were contacted, but no response was given.

A final note. When asked for an opinion, Mr Woldy provided these very wise words on choosing a political party:

"My advise is very general, and is simply that to anyone looking for a party; check out their wiki, speak to their PP and members, and see which one seems best in sync with your interests and opinions. And not to just go with the guys who offer you the most guns - that's what your MU is for \o/"

Good words to follow.

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