Part 3 of Ramblings of an Extremist!

Day 1,491, 20:54 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist

Day 1491 of the New World

This is a continuation article series announcing my congressional bi😛
1. ”An Extremist Coming out of the Closet”.
2. ”The Ramblings of an Extremist”

I ask for your indulgence and forgiveness up front since this is a short article and I was tired.

I will briefly discuss my stance on taxes, but first a quick video to get you in the mood.

The Government Can

While I will go in more depth in future articles about taxes, economy, and our current situation; an accurate statement is that our current tax structure does little to promote new players and is geared more towards benefiting the already established player who can tank in a fight. If elected I can promise I will promote new player education and retention initiatives and proposals geared towards their continued growth. Will this gain me votes and popularity with the existing repeat elitist that hold office in congress? Probably not, but that is not my concern. I want true change and accountability that has a lasting impact, not some gimmick that gets their short term approval.

Look for future articles detailing more of my platform once I am endorsed by the Federalist Party and have been assigned a state. Until then remember that it is just a game and not to take yourself so damn seriously. This one goes out to scrabman which would not recognize me from Joe Citizen on the street.

Anyone that votes for me is eligible to receive the below signature banner. It’s not much, but what do expect for something that was free?