Paradox Edition I: Omnipotence

Day 433, 17:32 Published in Netherlands Brazil by Dio Jazar

Dear readers,

due to a lack of wars this week I decided to print a special Paradox Edition to keep you busy without having to fight. This first week we shall discuss the principle of omnipotence and a related paradox.


Omnipotence can be described as having unlimited power. Often this refers to an omnipotent deity and the possibility of it's existence, though it can be used in a different context.Let's take an omnipotent being however and let's call it A(dmin).

Unlimited Power

The first paradox I want to introduce is that of unlimited power. Can A limit his unlimited power?
* If A can limit his power, it will be limited and thefore not be omnipotent.
* If A can't limit his power, there is something he can't do hence he is not omnipotent.

The Rock

A second paradox based on the same principle is that of the 'rock no one can lift'. Can A create a rock that heavy that no one can lift it?
* If A can create a rock that no one can lift, he will not be able to lift it therefore not be omnipotent.
* If A can't create a rock that no one can lift, there is something he can't do hence he is not omnipotent.

I look forward to responses from the Erepublik community.
Unleash your omnipotent brainpower and surprise us! 😉
