PaPP Manifesto: Our Shared Vision for a Better Australia

Day 1,068, 15:59 Published in Australia Australia by Procreate and Populate Party

by Majester

PaPP Senate Election Manifesto
PaPP stands for a strong Australia. We believe this can be achieved in the following ways.

Health Education
PaPP will restart its highly visible health education program. It is our hope that it will help to retain babies, improve the economy through higher productivity, and make all eAustralians understand the need to maintain perfect health.

Increase Population
Citizens can directly help recruit babies into eAustralia. More citizens make for a secure and prosperous eAustralia. PaPP will work to directly recruit new citizens and direct government efforts towards this critical endeavour.

Reduce Baby Mortality
We will increase retention rate by actively engaging babies by showing them the ropes and pointing them to all the resources the Australian government provides. Why have health and mentoring programs and then not publicize them thus allowing our babies to die? The more babies that grow up into citizens, the stronger the eAustralian economy will be leads to a stronger eAustralia for all.

Rank & Skill Australia
Australia's security can be improved by aggressively improving the Rank & Skill of the average citizen. A high ranked and well skilled eAustralia is a strong Australia. Skilled citizens are productive and happy citizens. High ranked citizens are better able to defend eAustralia.

Transparent Government
PaPP believes the Government is accountable to its people. As such, Governments must regularly communicate with its citizens about approved programs and national goals. It is not just something you do when there are elections. As members of the Senate, we will stress to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to regularly update eAustralia with newspaper articles detailing non-sensitive goings-on in Parliament. Continued information should also be provided in-game on Government programs and expenditure. Clear and open communication leads to transparency and a greater understanding of our common purpose: to advance eAustralia together.

We believe in a strong military with good funding made possible with our focus of education. Only through a high average military skills, high military ranks, and good knowledge can Australia be successfully defended in the face of our enemies. We support the actions of our allies, and endorse the deployment of our military overseas. PaPP supports strong recruitment drives and excellent training.

Foreign Relations
PaPP believe that the Brolliance and EDEN have reliably shown good faith towards Australian interests. We believe that relationships need to be rebuilt in our region for regional security and regular training wars. We believe that Phoenix has nothing but ill will towards Australia, but do support aggressive diplomacy to alter this relation. We believe Indonesia no longer has a place amongst civilized nations and demand compensation for their malicious actions.

Militias are an excellent resource for the defence of our nation, and should be encouraged at all times so as to lessen the burden on our budget and our expanding military. Funding for militias should be reserved for damage based payment only.

Lower taxes are essential in the growth and development of our nation. Our nation needs a kick-start to return to a world class economy. Import taxes should be lowered in order to make eAustralia a reasonable choice for exporters. We believe in a 1% Income and VAT in most industries for 2 months fuel our growth. We believe in a 5 - 10% Import tax to get our business running well from the start, and to relieve Australia of chronic shortages.

Advance. Defend. Grow.
If you share these views, join PaPP.
If you are prepared to actively lobby for these positions, join PaPP Forums and stand for senate.
PaPP needs you. Australia needs you.

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