Pagesat per daten 14.07

Day 1,698, 15:12 Published in China China by Fabrika AG

Pagesat i jane dhene 10 punetoreve te fabrikes FPZH :

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. Emira Polloshka

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. Shaban Penxho

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. Xemmi1

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. El Luchador78

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. Enithegreat

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. Alsoldier

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. FabioH

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. albanian killers

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. StarScreamm

You have successfully donated 250 CNY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. FranciH