Padraig_Pearse is Dead!

Day 765, 00:18 Published in Ireland Pakistan by Longbaugh

The infamous Irish criminal Padraig_Pearse has officially, and finally, been "permanently suspended for reaching 5 forfeit points."

His crimes and misdeeds against the eRepublic of Ireland, and society in general, were numerous. As put forth by Uachtaráin Chief of Staff digits on the forum (in the Public Dáil), they were:

1. Unlawful possession of a Quality 5 House owned by the state.
2. Harming diplomatic relations abroad.
3. Refusal to change his behaviour.
4. Misconduct resulting in a dishonourable discharge from the IDF.
5. Locking party members out of their own eIRP forum.
6. Insulting and derogatory language in forums and IRC.
7. Unlawful impersonation on IRC to gain passwords to in-game orgs.
8. 20 Gold stolen money from the IVF org, and transferred via money market.
9. 10 Gold obtained from citizen ExoM7 for a Q3 House, never delivered. This citizen was at the time a member of the Singapore government.
10. 4 Gold obtained from citizen Kreuziger for a Q3 House, never delivered. This citizen was at the time a French Ambassador to Israel.
11. 4 Gold "Loan" obtained from citizen Fionn, via his org, never paid back.
12. Falsely ordering Congressmen to accept citizenship of treasonous citizen Mannimarco.
13. Entering into an informal business agreement with citizen Orangejuicemmm, who invested 8 Gold of his personal money in raw materials. Padraig Pearse then locked him out of the company, sold the company for an undisclosed amount, and sent orangejuicemmm 3 USD.
13. 5 Gold and Q1 House obtained from citizen Taiwanpanda for a Q3 House, never delivered. The citizen is a prominent Canadian official.

The Dáil had been spending the the better part of the last two months trying to figure out a way to make the Irish government Padraig-proof. Talk of forming a Supreme Court has been recently re-ignited almost solely because of this rotten scoundrel—a snake politician who moves from party to party trying to squirm his way into the Dáil each month.

But, Ireland can rest easy now for the most notorious criminal in the history of eIreland is no more. He has gone the way of Benn Dover, Uncle Sam, and Ajay Bruno.

So long Padraig, and good riddance.

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