Pa dokle vise da kradu!!!

Day 2,087, 01:00 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania by Don Atila

Jutros ulazim i imam sta vidjet ovo cudo od jbt meni treba 3 dana da bi rjiesio samo 25+ strenghta pa de vi meni recite isplatil se to...a gdje je 5000% da dobijem 50 golda 😃 znaci to je oko 100 000 000 miliona :/
Al evo ima i kradja do sad sto sam je uocio a ta ce biti kasnije vidjet cemo...
(ne radi mi SS pa tak da nmg slikat jbg)

Ovo pise da su nase nagrade

National Shield Tournament

- The tournament will last 7 days (168 hours) between Day 2087 and including Day 2093
- Every citizen can fight to reach and even surpass a certain damage target. The target will be calculated based on his current military skills
- Every country will have a national target of damage to achieve based on its military capability
- On the homepage the citizen can see the progress made by him and his citizenship country in reaching or surpassing the target
- Each citizen and each country will be rewarded based on their progress

Citizen Rewards

- During the tournament, the player will be rewarded when reaching certain milestones based on his initial target:

- 100% (the target is reached) - +25 Strength
- 110% (surpassed the target by 10😵 - +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 125% - receive a number of Rank Points equal to this target damage divided by 10
(Ex: if the 125% target is 10 million damage, the player receives 1 million Rank Points)
- 150% - 50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 200% - 10 Energy bars
- 300% - +50 Energy Center for 30 days
- 500% - 50% Damage Booster for 24 hours
- 750% - 20 Energy bars
- 1 000% - 25 Gold
- 1 500% - +100 Energy Center for 30 days
- 2 000% - 15 Energy Bars
- 2 500% - 50% Damage Booster for 24 hours
- 3 000% - 20 Energy Bars
- 4 000% - 25 Energy Bars
- 5 000% - 50 Gold
- 6 000% - 25 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000% more - 25 Energy Bars

a u stvarnosti de pogledajte svi na svojoj toj liniji na 200% koliko dobivate cokoladica.....BUUUUUuuuuM 5 komada
pa gdje ce on krast mi tih 5 cokoladica kad zna da za 2 i po dana mogu samo rijesit tu misjiu 100% a gdje je ta jos 200% pa jel on ljudi normalan de vi meni recite...svi nas pokradose na ovoj igri nemam nikog cistog...jos sinoc pricam s kolegom jednim kako ce danas bubnit odma snizenje golda i cokoladica da zaradi sipak nece vise Don da prodaje svoje trening centre sipak mu 😃

Pa to je isto kao da nam je dao ubi 10 000 protivnika u 7 dana nidje veze :/

Za shout
Stop Kradjama do nagrade posteno 🙂