P u r e . S i l e n c e .

Day 1,740, 08:05 Published in Romania Romania by Krontzo
background music ('Padre nostro aramaico'):

[En . Ro]

"There is a stillness in you no heavenly or earthly being can remove...
in front of it, the mind is performing and somehow attention goes there... behind is pure Silence... your real Being... all this is your dynamic dance...
As you stay rooted in impersonal seeing... the inner and outer are revealed as One...
knowing this you will not suffer existence..."

~ ॐ Mooji

'Exista o liniste in tine pe care nici o fiinta cereasca sau pamanteana nu o poate elimina...
in fata ei, mintea se desfasoara si oarecum atentia ta se duce acolo...
in spate este Tacere pura... adevarata ta Fiinta... si toate acestea sunt dansul tau dinamic.
Astfel, cum stai inradacinat in privirea impersonala... interiorul si exteriorul se reveleaza ca Unul...
stiind acest lucru existenta ta nu va mai avea de suferit...'
~ ॐ Mooji

"Be completely alone. Not seek any support for a moment.
No arrogance, no pride, no cynicism, but ... for now ... see how it is to be alone with yourself.
Do not associate with anything.
Do not get hung up on any promises, intention, person, fantasy, expectation, something from the past ...
Come to this place.
Come now."

~ ॐ Mooji

'Fii complet singur. Nu cauta nici un suport, pentru un moment.
Fara aroganta, fara mandrie, fara cinism, ci ... pentru un moment ... vezi cum e sa fii singur cu tine insuti.
Nu te asocia cu absolut nimic.
Nu te agata de nici o promisiune, intentie, persoana, fantezie, o asteptare, ceva din trecut...
Vino in acest loc.
Vino acum.'
~ ॐ Mooji

source: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mooji-Romania/142380905893695