Ozadje kongresnih volitev

Day 1,102, 16:25 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Madafakr

Dolgo časa sem premišljeval, vendar mi je vse to sprenevedanje resnično pognalo kri po žilah.


I d like to report multi accouts. I ll just tell you a story what happened.

1 month ago I was MoFa of Slovenia when player Valerija20 (woman nickname) http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3121266 send igm that she would like to be an ambassodor in Indonesia. I answered her, but she didnt answer back. I was in a need of ambassadors and we still are, so I opened IGM again and I realised that some things dont match.

In IGM it says HE (man with a woman nickname?) has a company in Indonesia. Than I check under friends,… no organisation. Smells like multi I say… I check IGM again and there, on the end of the letter I found initials »MV«… I check under friends. Mark Valerij is the only one who matches with initials MV and http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/688482 is her first friend.

This month I m Minister of interrior affairs. So I contacted every party president from national organization, and they all answered me, but something looked familiar. There are 5 Party presidents and one of them is Mark Valerij. You know which initials did I found on the bottom of his IGM? Thats right »MV«.

I also checked donations. There are only few donation TO Valerija20 (items – probably food or just for making room in inventary), but gold and SIT went only FROM »her« to Mark Valerij or his organisation.

Here are the screen shots with proofs:

Here are organisations on which IGMs are save😛

and another one of his multis I presume… http://economy.erepublik.com/en/citizen/donate/list/2121815 You dont send 40g to someone just for nothing do you?

I should be a detective 😃

p.s.: Mark. Uganeš zakaj je napisano v angleščini?