Overproduction crisis: too much gold have been spend in WW3.

Day 677, 08:21 Published in USA Russia by Two-Four-Six-0-One

The promised article. Get ready, there is going to be a lot of graphs and boredom (you may skim through looking at the graphs and go to read final part of the text). Don't expect any supernatural revelation, I will tell you about what you've already been feeing.

So, World War 3 is almost over. Let's see what we have at the end.
We have the fact that the world stock of everything: weapons, houses, iron, grain, food, are expanding like never before. Thanks to the war consumption increased and, therefore, increased production. Products are gathering dust in the warehouses.

World-wide supplies.

Q1 food (most popular product – it's consumed even by the bots):

Production of grain is rising too. Rising without check. Warehouses are getting full, because it's a strategical resource, and the government is paying for those warehouses.

Weapons, due to the lack of important battles, have been accumulating as well. Amounts of weapons in stock:


I had wanted to give info on houses as well, but the situation is rather strange. Apparently, most houses are sold through the black market in lots, resulting in such spikes:

On the other hand, Q5 is slowly decreasing. Emphasis on the word “slowly”. That means they are bought one at a time on the black market.

Global prices.
Borders between countries are rather open, import taxes notwithstanding. There are no transportation costs, so prices within a country influence the prices around the globe through the black market.

Food is directly related to population growth. Everybody eats everyday.
Our population grows slowly, but steadily, except for the 10-16 September fiasco.

Q1 food market reacted to the decrease in population with a delay, but strongly. Look at the fall of food prices on 16-17 of September. Before that was a slight decrease with a re-bound, but 16-17 of September was a real fall.

It seems during the fall many companies closed down, so the price is rising and pulsating (due to dumping companies with low production rate).

On the Q5 food market, however, nothing is noteworthy. Notice the slow decrease in price. It means that demand is decreasing. Q5 companies are large enough not to dump, but prices have to be lowered. I will explain why in the conclusions section.

First of all iron needs to be discussed. Everything's simple there: if the supply increases prices drop. Q3 and Q4 are the most popular. Q3 market is more uncertain due to companies with little capital, unlike the smooth Q4, but the trend remains the same.


Every fighter buys a weapon, at least 1 each day – without it the damage is too small.

During important battles more Q1 weapons are bought. It's better to attack with 2 Q1 weapons than with 1 Q2 weapon and then barehanded. The further away from Q1, the smoother the decrease, due to large companies having more wiggle room, but the demand for expensive weapons decreases at a faster rate than the price of iron.



Bored of doing graphics. I think the trend is clear.

During the war people were less frugal. They eagerly ate much food and bought many weapons.
The government was generous too: giving money to tanks so that they could purchase Q5 food, in order for them to fight one more time, and weapons. New companies were created with the earned money to satisfy the demand. Amounts of national currencies rose, so did the numbers of companies.

Then the gold ran out.

Let's recall how gold finds its way into the game. Of course, it comes with the new players. Mostly with new players. You can buy gold for real money, but most people prefer to buy gold from the same noobs – bots.
And how does gold leave the game? It's used to open company. The higher the quality, the higher the cost. A player can open a Q1 company after a month or two, but they can't open a Q5. And they do. Since the first day they are tol😛 once you reach such level you will be able to open a company. And many do, thinking it to be a part of the game. But when they find out that it's not a part of the game, they quit.

In other words: OLD PLAYERS ARE PLAYING AT THE EXPENSE OF NEW ONES. Old players spend the gold that is brought into the gamy by newbies. A newbies get to level 6, they get 5 gold – a tank spends them on 2 wellness packs, fought 2 extra times in a battle. And in another one. Same thing happens on the other side. 8 gold from 2 newbies vanish into thin air.

Old player have spent mountains of gold during this war. All the gold that was accumulated since the beginning of the game. All the gold that came to the game with newbies when the old players were still level 13.
It's seen on the graphs. The markets where old players were supported by countries to purchase more are falling, while the markets for new players – Q1 houses, food, and weapons – are doing just as well.

Strategical plans for the future.

So, there's less gold in the world. It's more valuable now. Price correction will ensue, first on Q5 markets, then down to Q1. Wellness packs, even though they still cost 2 gold, became more expensive. With 2 gold you will be able to purchase more than you did before. Tank battles will become more expensive.
Those who control the newbies control the world. Those who don't let newbies to open companies are the ones who are getting that gold.

Employers, grinding their teeth, will look at their work force walking away, will have to lower salaries and close companies. The least honest will survive. You know what I'm talking about.
All the possible ways to lessen the price decrease have already been said.

But, you will agree, the overall trend is a sad one. The game is not interesting enough (new players must be persuaded to stay and 2-click) in order to create more gold and play out more wars with it. But when there are no world wars it's even more boring for new players, and without new players there is no more gold. Well, you get the idea.
In the near future, victory will belong to those governments that entertain their newbies best. The most successful leader will be not the brilliant strategist, but a clown that dabbles in strategy (In other words not Putin, but Berluskoni).

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