Our Rightful Place

Day 1,512, 16:39 Published in Egypt Brazil by Mestre Luiz


Finally i can log in a computer!!!

Finally the Admiral of the Red Sea, Akh, is our President!!!

Finally, the true eEgyptians are near of their rightful place!!!

Now, how says my country's motto, order and progress will be the top words on Akhraziel's term. Egypt has been, for a very long time (those who fought against TOs, Breeks, dancing Macedonians and others know how long) a punching bag for the major powers in the region. Despite borning peaceful, several countries attacked us and our Saudi brothers, to conquer our lands and use our resources.

Countless betrayals, enemies, dancing Croatians and Macedonians, all it is part of our (not so) recent history. Now we have a RL Egyptian on the Presidential chair.

Akhraziel, (a.k.a. Mohammad Akh) is a major expert in how to make a good hit on a Trollatian nose. Revolution started, babys appeared, Mestre Luiz is alive again... Yes, we are facing strange times, as always, but now there are good times too.

We have six MPPs, with more to come, a economy that is starting to grow...

And still we have Breeks to kick off. How i love this game!

Let's Rise to our Rightful Place!


Mestre Luiz, self-proclaimed Minister of Trollatians/Breeks 'How to Kick Their Asses Out of My Land' Affairs.