Our next move

Day 2,048, 21:37 Published in India Albania by Ruler of The New World

For the first time in what seems like a millennia eIndia appears to be progressing the recent victory in Kerala an Karnataka, with the campaign be succsesfuly undertaken in Andrha Pradesh at the time of writing the points lie 38:14 to eIndia. This sudden movement n motivation and luck means we must carefully plan our next step.


Kerala's main product is fish (20% food bonus) and Karnataka's main product is rubber (20% weapon production bonus). To receive this total 40% bonus on all production we must successfully complete a transport route from our southern states (Kerala and Karnataka) to the northern capital, Jharkhand. This route will allow all citizens of eIndia to have a bonus on all production. If the campaign is successfully undertaken then we will receive: 80% bonus on food and a 40% bonus on weapons. Before we can get hopeful this route must be undertaken, the expenses used will pay themselves of in approximately 22 eRepublik days.


Who must we face next? Our next move must be strategic we mustn't waste recourses and energy. We can't leave our flanks open to attack. If the campaign in Andhra Pradesh is victorious (it appears that it will be) we mustn't move through Chhattisgarh to the capital. Although it may isolate it will leave both our east and west open to attack from Croatia from Bhubaneswar and Orissa it leaves us venerable to attack from Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, a tyre way onslaught is something eIndia could not survive.
So we must push through Orissa sacrificing the damage it does to Croatian supply, but it in future will increase our own production rates. If this is successfully completed we will control the east coast of the subcontinent, all except Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. This will totally change eIndia's production and revolutionize how the game is played and worked.


I, Ruler of the New World, chairman of the ISS believes eIndia has the ability to achieve this. In doing so we make a giant leap for everyone in eIndia. Not only willit expand us economically, but militarily and mentally. In the coming months the name eIndia will invoke fear in into the citizens of the New World. Join us, we will monopolize eRepublik!

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