Our New Congress: Interviews and Election Analysis

Day 1,467, 23:41 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

A new batch of Congressmen were elected Friday as the eUSA continued to fight off the Serbian occupiers. The 48th eCongress is dominated by the US Workers Party and the American Military Party, each having gained 18 of the 46 seats. The Federalists picked up 5, the Libertarians earned 3, and the New Conservative Party came in last with just 2 seats in legislative office.

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Point Taken had the chance to speak with a few of the winners today. Rivere123 had the distinction of being the winner with the least amount of votes (11). He jokingly told us that he was a “proud underachiever.” Said Rivere: “I could have had more, heck, I didn’t even vote for myself.”

TDavis3000 is a 2-month-old player who got his first congressional win in Arkansas this month. He says that he plans to put an emphasis on listening to the veteran congressmen and learning the ins and outs of government. “I do hope to learn enough to help steer us toward resolving key issues like citizenship, military and militia funding, and general internal cooperation. I am not in this for the medal or the 5 gold. I'm looking to get more involved and do work for the country, and I AM in this for the long haul.”

Finally, we caught up with outgoing Speaker of the House Rainy Sunday, who is entering her 15th congressional term. Some people have criticized last month’s congress for being inactive, but Sunday defended the government saying that congressmen worked hard to approve a budget, and that other issues were never brought to the table. “There was a good amount of complaining, ‘you aren't doing this or that.’ but the same people doing the yelling are quite capable of presenting a better solution if that's their end goal.” She provided the following helpful advice for new congressmen: “My only expectation of Congress members is to have purpose to discussion. Don't make debate for the sake of debate, but have an end goal that is beneficial.”

Next, I’d like to break down the numbers to try to determine how each party really did this election. In this analysis I use the term "winners" to describe candidates for Congress who were successfully elected and "losers" to describe those who were candidates but failed to win. If anyone if offended by those terms, I would encourage them to stop whining and try harder next month.

In terms of making sure votes didn't go to waste, the Feds did a great job getting their candidates into office. They averaged just 19.6 votes per winner, compared to 25.3 votes needed for the average Lib winner.

On the flip side, spending valuable votes on a candidate who didn't make it really sucks. The NCP led this category, blowing 5.8 votes per loser. The USWP had the best control, wasting only 2.3 votes on folks who didn't make the cut.

The AMP did the best in terms of getting their base out to vote. For every candidate who ran under their banner, the AMP picked up 14.1 votes. The Libs stayed home this election, it seems, mustering up only 5.5 votes per candidate overall.

For more on voting efficiency, check out these graphs below. Both show the votes (by party) broken down into those cast for winners and for losers. The first chart counts each vote, the second looks at percentages. As you'll be able to see, the USWP and AMP were head and shoulders above the other three major parties in both voter turnout and vote effectiveness.

Hopefully, if you are an active citizen in the eUSA, you have already registered to the forum at http://eusaforum.com and are at least reading if not participating in a few discussions. There is a section on that site for Congress to discuss issues in both public and private, depending on the nature of the topic. Of the 46 folks elected, only 32 have posted (at press time, by my own count) on the "check in" thread for that board. If you were elected and have not yet checked in, please do it soon.

I announced on Friday the opening of PointBank, a new option for citizens to consider when investing their money. So far I have had moderate success in finding customers, and I would love to continue expanding. The only SNAFU I have found so far is an unpublished eRepublik restriction which prevents me from "acquiring more than 10 Gold per day from the money market and donations." It seems like a dumb rule, but it will not prevent me from continuing to provide a safe and profitable experience for the depositors of PointBank.

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Have a great day,
Tosh O'Point