Our Mutal Friend

Day 507, 09:04 Published in Japan Japan by Ciacho

Introducing a new series of articles, under the name Spiral Out. Written just for you to have a rest from this three ring circus sideshow of freaks.* (i mean ePolitics of course)

Who is he?

From eCanada, through eEurope, all the way to eJapan, We all have a mutual friend. This friend of ours is known under the enigmatic name of: "admin". Some call him God, and some call him King. But he never said who he is, but a friend. All We can say about him, is mere speculations. Yes, it's true he created the eWorld. And it's true, he controls all our lives. But he can't be God, be cause We have proof of his existence. Is he a king them? No, he doesn't claim the land his. He is just a protector, a one man trio of judge, jury and executioner with the ability to change the eWorld. So, let's investigate further, why is he our friend?


It's suprisingly weird, but most of us never even talked to him. But he's our friend anyway. Most of us criticised him for his inability to provide citizenship. But he's our friend anyway.
We don't even know the dude. But he's our friend anyway. No matter what We do, he'll always be our friend. If We'd want to delete him, We wouldn't, because he's already forgiven us, and stayed our friend. We can't hate him, because he's our friend forever. He loves as so, he'd never even think about letting us go.

But why the f...?

This forced friendship must have its source. Looking for answers, I asked every single friend of the admin about it. All the answers could be summed up to: "I don't have a effing idea". So I dug deeper, and deeper, until I found the worlds best psychoanalyst, professor Sigmund Freud. Here's a interview:

Adasko: Hello, herr professor. What can you tell me about forced friendships?
Freu😛 Nothing, I'm dead you moron!
Adasko: I don't give a damn, I need an answer.
Freu😛 I'm still dead, f**kface.
Adasko: Please!
Freu😛 Alright, it's something to do with his mother hitting him over the head with a frying pan, and a subsequent lack of sexual intercourse in puberty.
Adasko: You're a pervert even postmortem.

So... When Freud didn't help me, I decided to give up. This is probably one of these secrets never to be understood.

The other one is: If he's Our friend, why the hell doesn't he listen to Us?

*If you listen to Tool, you guessed it, that's a quote from AEnema

Original writer: Adasko