Our History (中譯版)

Day 1,482, 06:09 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Sadanaga

這是sada用心紀錄了從台灣開國到現在的一篇文章 也是我第一次翻譯這麼長篇的文 如果有翻的不好的部分或者需要修改的部分還請多指教



我住在美國的佛羅里達州的Tampa Bay City附近,我今年19歲,正在南佛羅里達大學讀書,我是半個台灣,半個美國人,我玩這遊戲大概一年半多了。一開始是別的遊戲中的戰友邀請我我才加入的。我一開始加入了USA,因為那時eROC還沒有成立,不過當我被美國的訓練軍隊拒絕加入後,我就移民到eJapan去了。我在那邊工作了6個多月,也取得了公民的資格。然後在2010年8月的時候出現了eROC將要建國的消息,並在10月7號正式的成立了eROC。自然而然的,我很興奮的用搜尋引擎找到了當時台灣那破舊又冷清的論壇,並認識了billwilson Ddfish以及其他幾個玩家。我傳了幾個消息過去並得到回應,我記得應該是dd魚把我帶進#PTT_Formosa頻道的。然後我遇到了JLT (JamesonLTai), BillWilson, Kirk.Xu, Ronia, Oldwang以及其他許多人。我們很快的開始在建國方面努力,因為我們都知道這並不是一件簡單的事情。


當我們開始,我覺得我們的第一個困難的抉擇是:誰來帶領我們的國家呢?當時我們很多新人,平均只有8個月大,大家都很緊張要面對如此的挑戰。最後,BillWilson願意接下我們的第一任總統,在我看來,是他讓我們能有一個很好的開始。我們還成立了我們的第一個黨,CFP(Citizens First Party)。我還記得,10月7日我們被管理員告知,我們有一個月入侵保護期,並拿到了悲慘的資源(以前是所以資源都有,然後看生產量會影響資源等級,之後雞才改版為現在的鱻膠),其中大概只有中台灣的中量石材是能看的。在我們收到那悲慘的資源一兩個月之後,我們組成了第一次的內閣(:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cabinet-of-eroc--1566701/1/20

不過,當一切順利進行時,我們遇到了第一個困境:一個名為 Zammuelists的團體,由Zammuel和Fruitcommando領導(是的,eJapan目前的CP)他們移民到嬰幼兒時期的國家試著 PTO我們。在無頭雞控制進入新國家的公民以前,進入國家是基本是毫無限制的。幸運的是,我們逃過了更強大的PTO勢力,例如SB人在紐西蘭的PTO,這可能是因為我們在地理位置上接近eC。無論如何,Zammuelists已經成立一個政黨,並開始寫文章,宣稱這不是台灣,是Kazawan:Kazakhistan的殖民地。他們分解我們的國旗,以使它看起來更像Kazakhistan,並說我們的語言像是"月球語言",以及用許多其他的方式誣衊我們的語言。最終,他們還是被擊敗了,感謝台灣人的聯合部隊和一些eC人。我們掌控了議會,然後開始討論該選擇哪個聯盟。我們大多數人認為,由於我們在那裡,加入什麼聯盟的關係到我們的盟友,我們必須選擇EDEN,你可以看到,我們直到今天還是堅持這個決定。但是,由於當時簽MPP需要雙方國家各出100G,所以我們決定與我們鄰居的兩個大國的,中國和美國簽定MPP。我不是負責中國的部分,所以我不知道當時的情況是如何,但美國在我們和中國簽訂MPP之前不會與我們簽訂MPP。直到我們得到了中國的MPP,美國 MPP便很快的跟著簽下。

接下來,12月左右,我們決定和南韓舉辦一場軍事演習,並看能不能租幾塊地。原來我們只是想的到NE的0.5加成。因此,我們和當時南韓的執政團隊:FSR 聯繫。FSR內幾乎沒有幾個真正的韓國人,我個人非常厭惡PTOer以及FSR,不過我們還是和他們達成了協議,有關軍演和之後全羅北道以及忠慶北道的租借(我忘了當時一個月付了多少G當租金)。就這樣持續了幾個月,當情況穩定之後,沒有很多人知道:我們協助了菲律賓對抗對哥倫比亞的入侵,以及我們的第2任總統Ronia和他的國軍(JamesonLTai-以下稱JLT)之間的爭執,這爭執讓JLT辭去了除了ROC Marines以外的所有職務,並且鎖上了他管理的所有頻道幾個星期,因為有些人試圖把他從他自己的頻道裡Ban掉。這是起因於一段Ronia和JLT的公開談話(我也在場),JLT公開質疑和違抗 Ronia的命令(我印象中記得的)。以我的觀點來說,JLT應該PM給Ronia,用PM的方式討論他們之間的爭執,但JLT大多無視並繼續的再公開頻道和Ronia爭吵。另一方面,當時的活人數大約在300-500附近,在新人加入這一點上,我們做得比較好。

讓我們把時間往前推一點點。在我們建國後的一兩個月,我們被邀請加入一個eJP和SK(RL)的頻道,讓我們能和他們交流。現在回到之前說的:FSR在我們與南韓進行訓練戰時在這個頻道找上了我們,在當時時任e日本總統(Kita-Ikki)向我們提了這樣的提議:在雙線戰爭中擊敗並鎮壓eSK直到FSR離開此地回到他們原本的家。我們接受這個提議的原因是我們希望SK內部的政治能夠穩定,我們將當時正要重新和SK談論租地的事,如果一個月是FSR,而下一個月變回RL SK,那只會是惡性循環罷了。

一切都進行的很順利,我相信我們原本能和eJP一起消滅FSR。但FSR,簡單來說,賄賂了我們。他們免費租借了全羅北道和忠清北道,並沒有說明何時要還。不幸的是我們接受了。之後FSR只專注在鎮壓eJP的戰事上。這時,RL SK人不斷增加,SK人數慢慢的接近了我們。無頭雞又改版成只有和首都連結的資源地才有資源加成的效果,所以我們又和FSR達成了一項協議,幫他們打下濟州(首都會自動轉換成人口最多的地方)讓他們的首都變成京畿道,然後我們免費租下全羅南道(這項租約也沒有說清和時要還地)。

之後的幾個月我們維持著繁榮與和平,我們已經成立了我們自己的wiki和我們的MU,MOB和KOKA。這時我們遇到了第一次真正的考驗:indo打下了菲律賓,並對我們提了NE,當時我們立刻問他們為何這樣做,因為我們並沒有要侵略他們的意思,indo CP的回答是:for fun.所以我們迅速向我們主要的盟友:eC和eUSA尋求協助。這也是我第一次遇到TemujinBC,如果沒有他的幫助,我們可能無法逆轉南台灣的劣勢。而Indo呢,他們一輸掉了南台灣,就迅速起義呂宋,沒膽的轉頭跑掉了。

接下來,可能你們比較有印象的部分。台灣第二次對韓戰爭。主要是因為租地的租金問題以及FSR當初沒有說好何時還地,而且他們當時的外交部長是Clopoyaur(在外交方面FSR和RL SK有很大的差異),我們沒有和他們達成續租的協議。在接下來的幾天內,我們在這些試圖和SK達成協議,但最後還是以失敗告終。當我們的議還會在爭論是否要還地時,Clopoyaur(我記得)表示他們將會在幾星期後收回全羅南道(我相信,RL韓國人並不知道事先的計畫)。因為我們的議會也尚未決定還地的事宜,所以我們將這個宣示當作是開戰的宣言,接著展開了長達整個夏天的對韓戰役。

(SK主要的盟友:eJapan,eRomania,e Bulgaria,eCroatia)

戰爭進行得很順利。在戰爭白熱化時,我們打下了幾乎SK所有的地區,SK只剩下兩塊地。最終,戰爭進入膠著狀態,我們贏得了NE戰,但他們贏了RW戰。我們雙方都因為這場戰役得到了不少新人的加入,最後我們簽署了停火與和平條約,然後再一次回到之前軍演的狀態。但這時SB已經打穿eRussia,eHungary也打穿了eJP,ePoland也通過了eRussia,一起襲擊eChina 。雖然我們和eC及其他盟友努力抵抗,但最終還是敵不過SB和他們的同盟,幾個星期後,中國被打到只剩下3塊地。SB接著NE我們,想直接穿過我們進軍美洲,為了減輕損失,我們請ePH NE我們並先打下南台灣,這樣之後在南台灣開RW會比較輕鬆。不幸的是,PH國會剛提出了對印尼的NE,所以無法幫助我們。最後我們要求韓國NE北台灣並打下,在SB通過後,再 RW北台灣。這樣確實是一個有效的方法,我們在滅國後不久就再次復國,這是我們第一次被滅國,我也希望這能夠是最後一次。

在我們復國不久時,indo又對我們提出NE想一舉北上,但我們很快同時起義Western Australia, Tamil Nadu, Sabah, Kwazulu Natal 和 Luzon,這些每塊都是他們不能失去的資源地,我們也得以再次阻止indo的入侵。

我們復國時能夠成功RW其餘地區,有一部分要歸功於EDEN的協調。SK之後和JP互相交換資源並開始打軍演,也有讓我們租了一個月的資源地。然後,我們進入了一段和平時期,主要是幫助我們的新人能夠在erep繼續玩下去。接著我們向PH提出了軍演的要求,他們CP也答應了,我們首先NE了PH。在我們處理接下來的事情時,一團ePoland的 MU在全羅北道開啟了RW戰並激烈的反抗,這時PH已經輕鬆的打下呂宋,這是協議的一部分,但接下來然他們馬上進攻南台灣,並以8-0打下了南台,他們完全沒有事先知會我們的政府,而且在打下南台後,他們就立刻襲擊了東台,這顯然是刻意的,因為東台是我們唯一不是魚資源的地區,而且軍演的話應該會等到24小時候系統才會強制開啟戰爭,也不會刻意去打只有一塊的資源地,正常來說,他們應該攻擊中台灣。而且我們發現了,他們曾計劃攻擊東台灣,在東台灣被起義前,他們可以拿到一兩天的資源加成。我們視PH的作法為侵略行動,並順著NE的攻勢一路打回去。最後我們消滅了PH,並佔領了PH將近一個月,我相信這一連串的事件是由很多原因造成的,最主要的原因大概是他們有個需要看精神科的CP- Marie Von Glablitz。但在他們恢復秩序,以及Hekter選上PH的CP後,PH和我們的關係漸漸恢復到了以往的樣子。




Thanks Eddy8288 for translation :3

Hi, my name is Sadanaga, and ive been your Minister of Foreign Affairs for most of you guys e-lives. I decided to write this article since i now have a little free time and oldwang wanted me to write our history. Since its been a year and a few months since our creation, I will try to remember what happened and place it in Chronological order (no easy feat) as best I can. First of all, many of you younger Taiwanese may not know much about me or even who I am, so first I would like to introduce myself.

Where to begin: I live in Florida, USA, near the city of Tampa Bay. I'm 19 years old,and currently in college at the University of South Florida, and I am half Taiwanese, half American. I started playing this game a little over one and a half years ago, when one of my clan friends on another game invited me. I joined the USA, as there was no eROC back when i started, but when i was denied entry into the American training Army, i left for eJapan. I worked there for 6 months or so, and also acquired citizenship. Then in August of 2010, I believe, the creation of eROC was announced, and set for our first day on October 7th. So, naturally I was excited, and looked on erepublik's long dead and broken forum for other Taiwanese by using the search engine, and found BillWilson, DdFish, and a few other people. I sent them messages, which a few responded, and i think it was DdFish that directed me to #PTT_Formosa. There I met JLT (JamesonLTai), BillWilson, Kirk.Xu, Ronia, Oldwang, and many others. We quickly went to work as we knew that creating a country would be difficult.

Our Story: (From my Perspective)

As we started, I think our first difficult decision was: Who is going to lead our country? Many of us at the time were young, only 8 months old I would say on average, and were nervous to take on such a challenge. Eventually, BillWilson thankfully accepted to be our first President, and he, in my opinion, played a primary role in getting us off to a great start. We also set up our first party, the Citizens First Party. Keep in mind, this was around the October 7th date, and we were informed by admin that we have one month of protection from invasion and were given horrible resources, I think medium stone in Central Taiwan was the best we received out of all the resources. We formed the first Cabinet (Here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cabinet-of-eroc--1566701/1/20). It was a month or two after did we receive the crappy three fish and one rubber region, but I will talk about the positives and obvious negatives in my opinion about our reception of these resources in another article later on.

But while this was going on, we had a domestic dillemma: a group called the Zammuelists, led by Zammuel and Fruitcommando (Yes, the current CP of eJapan) had migrated to our infant country to try to PTO us. This was before headless chicken controlled immigration of citizens into new countries, and it was basically a free-for-all. Luckily, we were spared from a stronger PTO, such as that of the Serbians in New Zealand, likely due to our geographical proximity to Mainland China. Anyways, the Zammuelists had set up a political party, and began writing articles, proclaiming that this was not Taiwan, but Kazawan, colony of Kazakhistan. They mutilated our flag to make it look more Kazakhistan like, and condemned our language as "moon speak", as well as numerous other slurs. In the end, they were obviously defeated, thanks to the combined forces of Taiwanese and some Chinese. With control of congress, we then began to discuss with one another which and what alliance to choose. Most of us believed that due to where we were, and what alliance affiliation our allies were, we would have to choose eden, which as you can see we are still relatively the same today as back then. But, MPPs costed 100 gold from both nations back then, so we decided we would try to ally with the two major nations we neighbor; China and USA. I was not in charge of acquiring the MPP with China, so I do not know exactly how easy or hard it was, but the USA would not sign a mpp with us until China had approved it. Once we got the China MPP, the USA MPP quickly followed.

Next, around December- February, we decided to talk to South Korea about a training war, and possible region rentals, but at first i think we only wanted a training war for the NE bonus. So, we contacted the government in charge at the time; FSR. There were relatively few RL Koreans, and while i personally have a strong dislike for PTO's, and FSR, we made a deal with them for the Training war and later the rental of Jeollabuk-do and Chungcheongbuk-do for a sum of gold per month, which i cant recall how much it was. This went on for a few months, with relative stability, only with a few side notes: We aided Philippines against Columbian invasion, and the argument between our second President Ronia, and his MOD, JamesonLTai (JLT), which later led to JLT's resignation from all spots except leader of ROC Marines. JLT then locked all channels he owned for a few weeks because some others tried to ban him from his own channels. This, was due to a very unfortunate open conversation between Ronia and JLT in front of many other of us, including myself, in which JLT openly questioned and defied Ronia's commands (from what i remember). In my opinion JLT obviously should have just private messaged Ronia, which Ronia told him he wanted to do, but JLT mostly ignored this. On a side note, I believe our population was around 300-500 at this point, and we were doing relatively well.

I will backtrack for a moment here. A month or two after our creation, we were invited to a channel which was for eJapanese, Koreans (RL), and Taiwanese leaders to communicate with one another. Now back to what I was talking about before: we were contacted during our training war with the FSR mainly in this channel during Kita-Ikki's CP term in eJapan, with a proposition of a two-way war in which we wipe SK and occupy the land until FSR quit and return back to their homeland. We accepted mainly because we wanted political stability within SK, as we would have to rework a new deal over the region rentals as one month it would be FSR in control, then the next it might be RL Korean in control, in a violent cycle. So we accepted.

All was going well, I believe we along with the eJapanese eventually wiped FSR controlled SK, or were close to it, as they were mainly fighting the eJapanese. The FSR then, in the simplest terms, bribed us. They offered us Jeollabuk-do and Chungcheongbuk-do rentals for free, and did NOT set an exact end rental date on it. We, in hindsight, unfortunately accepted. They then focused solely on eJapan, and forced a ceasefire. By this time RL Korean numbers were increasing, around the rate of ours. Admin then made it so that all regions a nation controlled had to be connected to the capital, so we made a deal with FSR that in exchange for moving what was their capital of Jeju, to Geonggi-do in exchange for rental of Jeollanam-do, which was also for free, and did NOT set an exact end rental date on it.

Another few months or so of relative prosperity and peace we had, in which by now we had created our own wiki and our first MU's were starting to truly form; Taiwan Armed Mobs and KOKA. This was also our first true test: the indos had conquered Philippines and had proposed a NE, when we asked why did they do this since we had shown no aggression to them, their CP replie😛 for the lulz.So we quickly contacted our principal allies, China and USA for aid, both of which answered especially China. It is also when we first met TemujinBC, whom without his help we might not have been able to turn the tide of the battle for South Taiwan without his help and that of his Canadian brothers. The indos, once they lost South Taiwan, quickly RWed Luzon and ran like the sad spineless country they are.

Next, was probably what brought the majority of you to this game. The Second Taiwanese-South Korean war. Mainly sparked by disputes over the region rentals and their non existent end date set up by FSR. I do believe that the RL Koreans did not know about the prior arrangement, but due to Clopoyaur being their MOFA (FSR and RL Koreans were in a uneasy alliance at this point), we failed to renegiotiate with the much larger RL Korean compared FSR population in eSouth Korea. So for a few weeks we tried to reach a deal, but it proved fruitless. While our congress was debating on the process of returning SK lands, Clopoyaur (I think) stated that they will be reclaiming Jeollanam-do that day ( I cannot remember the specific date). Since our congress was not done with their debate, we viewed this as a declaration of war, and fought over the summer months.

Our principal allies being: Their Allies being:
China Japan
Canada Romania
USA Bulgaria

The War went well for us, for the most part. At the peak of the war, we had all South Korean regions but two, I believe. Eventually, the war went into a stalemate, with us winning the NE battles, and them winning the RW battles. Both nations received enormous baby booms from this, with our overall populations ending up around 6000 each. We eventually signed a ceasefire and peace treaty, which it then reverted to a Training war once again.At this moment, Serbia had advanced through Russia, Hungary through Japan, and Poland through Russia as well i think, and were all bearing down on eChina. While we, along with many other nations fought alongside China to stop the hordes of ONE, they eventually overpowered China and her allies and a few weeks later China was down to 3 or so provinces. Serbia then NEd us, with their intentions of using us as a land bridge into the USA, and as soon as they NEd us, we asked PH if they could NE us and take South Taiwan, so that we would be in a minor wipe, and could RW South Taiwan and come back on the map as soon as the Serbian Hordes had passed. unfortunately, a rogue Philippines congressman had proposed a NE on indonesia, so they were unable to aid us. So we then asked South Korea to take North Taiwan so that wewould be in a minor wipe, and could RW North Taiwan and come back on the map as soon as the Serbian Hordes had passed. This worked, and we rwed North Taiwan immediately after Serbia had passed on. This was our first and only wipe so far in our history, and I hope it remains this way. The Indos were to attempt to attack us once more a month or so after the war with SK was over, but once they proposed the NE against us, we quickly RWed Western Australia, Tamil Nadu, Sabah, Kwazulu Natal, and Luzon all at the same time, which we won all of the RWs and thus they could not invade.

We were then able to successfully RW the remaining regions back, thanks to coordination with Eden HQ in mass RWs. South Korea then went to having a training war with Japan and region swapping with them, while occasionally allowing us to rent regions from them on a month to month basis. We then went into a period of peace and mainly helping our new players survive in erep. We looked to Philippines to have a training war, which their CP accepted, and we NEd them first, as was the agreement. While we were dealing with a fierce Jeollabuk RW, in which a Polish MU had started, they won Luzon easily, which was part of the deal, then immediately attack South Taiwan PH won 8-0, and no they had no contact with our government, and as soon as South Taiwan was taken, they immediately attacked East Taiwan, which was obviously intentional as it was our only non-fish region and since it was a training war, a friendly nation would have first of all waited 24 hours before they have to attack and second of all attack a region that does not hurt the other nations economy if possible, which they should have attacked Central Taiwan. We then found that they had planned to attack East Taiwan, and "RW it later on so they could get the bonus for a day or two." We viewed this as an act of aggression understandably, and went on the offensive. we wiped PH and occupied it for a month, i believe, with various negotiations braking down because of various reasons, mainly because Marie Von Glablitz needs to be checked into a mental facility. Order was restored once Hekter had become CP of Philippines, and our relations with PH are growing stronger by the day now.

Finally, I come to the two way invasion of South Korea with China. That month i was sent to various Terra/ Eden aligned nations for MPPs, as we accumulate 1.5 million TWD per month, and have plenty of extra money to get a good MPP stack. Some citizens wanted to attack South Korea, but our government, to the best of my knowledge as i had many RL issues going on at the moment, wanted to attack eJapan. What changed? I believe that South Korea viewed our quickly growing MPP stack suspiciously, and began signing a large amount of ONE aligned countries as mpps. This alerted China, and ROC and PRC coordinated an attack to check the growing power of one in Asia. And well, now we are here.

Some people will view this article and say that a part or parts are wrong, but I have nothing to hide, and have told you readers my perspective of our history. Take as you will, I hope you gain a better understanding of the eCountry you are living in today, and i hope international readers can gain a basic understanding of what the story of Taiwan is.Also, I dont know much of the history of Outer Heaven, so sorry for the lack of influence in this article. They have definently played a large role in the past 5 months, and i want to thank KOKA, TW-MOB, OH, and our National Army for their support of Taiwan throughout our history.

On a off-topic note, I am looking for a teacher to help me learn more Chinese, who is patient and has some free time on his/her hands, to help me learn more. We can discuss salary via Private message.

Thanks Eddy8288 for translation :3