Our Future, Its in Our Hands

Day 653, 08:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

A day has come, Our Day, The old Guard have had their say but now we have come to see the sunshine on a new era.
The eUK is an ingenius, Imaginative and loyal nation, In which a new tomorrow rises with sights set on a productive and prosperous future set and sealed in cooperation, understanding and aid for all who propose that the eUK belongs to all and not the elitist. That see their role as vital and strive for not just Hierarchy and secret agreements behind government doors but for fun and national furtherment.

For when the revolution comes its best to be on the side that will be left. The side that wants the best for all not just a party. By the People, For the People, Of the People.

So on the 5th vote for not an old guard elite nor a foreign politician, who have both tried and failed multiple times.

No on election day vote for the shining light of british ingenuity, for a truly caring candidate.

Vote Scipio, the Only Alternative.

Feel Good