Our Fallen Heroes

Day 934, 06:56 Published in Canada Canada by Vigge_of_Death

I want to wish farewell and blessings for their time in heaven, that have come far too soon.

I know one thing for sure, you will be missed a lot, many tears will be spilt. My condolences to our fallen heroes' near and dear.

In remembrance of:
Tyler F Durden
Marius Coroleone
FIGHT ON! Never stop BELIEVING - AngryMobMan

A poem for our friends in heaven:

Death is not the end
Death can never be the end.
Death is the road.
Life is the traveller.
The Soul is the Guide
Our mind thinks of death.
Our heart thinks of life
Our soul thinks of Immortality.

A song for our beloved friends and other people that grief their death:
