Our Current Times

Day 525, 22:45 Published in Latvia Germany by Meissner

I would like to start by asking a simple question. One which I believe is rhetorical in nature, the answer to which can be readily found in the hearts and minds of the citizens of eLatvia. The question: what has become of this country? After the elections, things where looking hopeful. Both the party to which I belong United Latvia, and Par Dzimteni both accomplished the combined goal of taking over half of the congressional seats, to seal this countries independence from foreign usurpers. However, in the short time since the elections, many of the congressmen, and, many of the people who ran UL have since disappeared from this nation; like wisps of vapors in the wind. This has left the UL without its original founders, and, has given the majority of congress to the foreign powers that would seek our wealth. So I ask again, what has happened to this nation?

I remember first coming here, when this nation was first created. We all worried about the probable foreign intervention in the political process here in eLatvia. We fretted over it, working out plans every day to avoid this potentiality. We all also talked about having a fair congress in this country. One which is not ran by shadow senators working in private elitism on hidden forums. A congress that was truly representable to its electorate. We talked about economic issues. How it would be best to manage the flow of LVL's so we wouldn't face rampant inflation. How we discussed how the gold held in the national treasury would best be used before it could be taken.

This never happened however. Since the abdication of UL's leadership the discussion board and other diplomatic channels have long since gone dead. The only sound now coming from places of regional government are lonely whispers of ghosts that have longed to be. So far, none of the laws have been debated, and the people we trusted to uphold our right as a sovereign nation have left us. We have a government that dictates, not one that leads. A government of thieves and criminals, not suited for the position of leadership.

So it's up to all of us, citizens, whatever remains of the UL, and the ever loyal members of Par Dzimteni, to take up the vanguard of freedom over opression; and no matter what the future brings, to strive together in brotherhood to take the reigns of power back into all of our collective hands. It is the duty of every citizen no matter how new or old, to become informed. Informed as to who has our best interests in mind, informed of global happenings, and to be informed on the best policies for this nation.

To all loyal eLatvians, until next I write

I would like to state that this will be my new periodical. Any citizens who are not at the level to create a newspaper, or those of you who lack the gold to do so, can message me with an article. Any which are messaged to me will be published after proofreading, and, any advertisements, sales, etc. can also be messaged and will be published.