Ostin : GoodBye Friends

Day 1,022, 02:15 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Hello everyone, well this day has to come sooner or later in everyone's elife.

Just request everyone to read the entire article.

Well its been a long journey and thus it ends here today. i joined the game in April 2008 and has been very active always. i have always played and heart and soul for eIndonesia. It is one fantastic country. the people are awesome and they are really too too good. i really felt so comfortable interacting with all the players and working together with my dear friends. will really miss you all guys very badly. The eIndo community is something very special to me and if you not part of this then you are really missing something.

I dunno whether many people knows ,everyone knows me as eIndonesian but i am not Indonesian nor do stay in Indonesia in RL and i never have played for my RL country at all. Because i am too much in love with eIndonesia. I have made so many good friends here and will really like to meet you in all in RL soon. you guys seriously rock.

eIndonesian Till Death

Well why am i quitting?? well sure many have encountered many injustice in this game like me but i am not quitting for this particular reason. well i am quitting as i have got transferred to a new RL job in a new city and it demands a lot of time and effort. so i wont be able to devote much time to the game as will be busy with work, friends and family. but yes the game has become very boring lately.
Remember how much fun it was to see the the Wall module where we used to watch the tanks hitting the wall, the Irc rooms where all tanks were getting ready to hit. we used to record all those and they are still available in youtube. power being misused, bugs and so many things are still there.quite prevalent.

Well i have seen many people quit lately and even today i can see many people quitting. Its really sad to see so many good friends go. well the show must go on, the game has survived for 3 years and will still go strong whether we play it or not. Guys this a game , and like you played this game for your country and alliance , so have i played . i love my alliance now and forever which is the reason why i work so much for Phoenix, even if our alliance is great in my eyes so is your alliance great in your eyes and i respect this too.

This game would not be fun without 2 big alliances as war is the most important thing why we keep playing. so also the wars in the media. tell me if everything is goody - goody . No war no propaganda will be the game be fun??? so i tried to deliver one of the best propaganda's or else the game wont be exciting without wars and all.

At one point of time playing this game really made me develop some hatred , but then i realized as to why am i do this. this is just a game. so i am very sorry to everyone if i had said some bad words to hurt you. i am really very sorry . i am a completely different person in real life and do not harbor any ill feelings towards anyone.

Hope you liked my articles. i try to mix it a lot. not only propaganda, i write motivating articles, promotion, news , analysis, etc. i try to mix it and match it. sure it must have gone against Eden , but if you see then if you are playing for one particular alliance you will obviously write against the other alliance.

Lastly there are so many friends and wonderful people whom i have met in my ejourney whom i will really miss. sorry i do not want to take names as i do not want to miss out anybody. but guys i will really miss you a lot... i have known a lot of new things about various countries , many stories , many adventures, many new things which would not have possible without this game. if you want my Face Book link, please do pm so i can share it with you.

So guys thanks for everything, and please forgive me if i have hurt your feelings... please forgive me. Wish everyone a good life ahead of you.

Take Care. Miss You all.

With Lots of Love,