Orientation: Medals

Day 1,533, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992
Gaining medals are probably the primary way of obtaining gold. Each medal gives you an award of 5 gold. As mentioned below, some medals are much easier than others to achieve, and some are virtually impossible to get (unless you have a credit card). There are ten different medals that can be gained and two that are coming soon, but most people only manage to gain two or three different types of medals. Unfortunately, game mechanics benefits the experienced and wealthy to gain even more wealth, but who ever said eLife was fair? For a complete list of guides, look at this article or go directly to Orientation on the Wiki.

Medal: Hard Worker
Info: This is the easiest medal to achieve. All you need to do is work 30 days in a row to get 5 easy gold. Note that you do not need to work in the same company for 30 days in a row, but as long as you work some time before daychange for 30 days, you get the medal. Simple.

Medal: Congress Member
Info: If you win the Congress Elections, which are held every 25th of the month, you gain 5 gold. Don’t think you can win an election and run away with the gold. Congressmen (or Members of Parliament, whatever you want to call it) are expected to fulfill their duties. In the past when people ran away with the gold, they stood no chance of re-election.

Medal: Country President
Info: As you guessed, this is achieved by winning the Presidential Election, which are held on the 5th of each month. This prestigious medal is reserved for only the most dedicated politicians, someone who can lead this country (although the last few PMs have been terrible).

Medal: Media Mogul
Info: The Media Mogul is given to people that have 1,000 subscribers to their newspaper. Back during the times of high population and organisations, many people were able to purchase subscriptions to get their medal. Today, the population is much lower than at its peak. This newspaper has existed for over two years, and is not even close from getting 1,000 subscribers, so it is a daunting task to achieve this.

Medal: Battle Hero
Info: This medal is given to the person that committed the most damage in a mini-battle. Two are given in each mini-battle, one on each side. Unfortunatly, this medal is skewed towards people who already have a high number of Battle Hero Medals, as they have the most strength, experience and real money.

Medal: Campaign Hero
Info: The same concept as the Battle Hero Medal, except this one is given to the person who committed the most damage during all the mini-battles combined. Needless to say, this medal is even tougher to get, and it is almost guaranteed to go to the person with the biggest credit card.

Medal: Resistance Hero
Info: The medal is given out to the ten person that start a resistance war in a region which is ultimately won. Usually, these resistance wars are sorted out beforehand, so don’t attempt to start one by yourself as the battle will most likely be ignored and lost. The cost to start a resistance is 10,000 local currency, which is split evenly between ten sponsors at 1,000 each. So it is a reasonable gamble, if it is a region that the country's government is trying to get back.

Medal: Super Soldier
Info: The last few medals discussed can be very difficult to get, but don’t worry, this one is very easy. Every time you gain 250 strength, you gain a medal. If you train every day, you can achieve this in 42 days, or 30 days if you use the 0.19 gold booster (climbing centre) every day. This does not calculate bonuses from having a natural enemy.

Medal: Society Builder
Info: This medal is given out to people who invite 10 people to eRepublik who reach level 10. But let’s think about this for a moment. Do you really want to admit to ten people that you play this game and you want them to join as well? Me neither. You could spam random sites with links, but people don't like that and I wouldn't recommend it.

Medal: Mercenary
Info: In order to achieve this medal, you must defeat 25 enemeies for 50 countries (that is, 25 per country, so defeating a total of 1,250). This medal is achievable for everyone, regardless of how rich they are in real life, but it does take some time. If you want this medal, prepare to spend a lot of time travelling around the world, since it takes a while for all 50 countries to have a war going on at any given time.

Medal: Top Fighter
Info: Also known as the elitest medal, this is achieved by reaching the top 100 worldwide highest damage for one day for thirty days. These days do not need to be consecutive, but let's face it, this medal is impossible to get unless you have been on eRepublik for years and you have a credit card that accumlates a debt as big as Greece's debt. Sorry, but you might as well forget about this one.

Medal: Coming Soon
Info: Nothing is known about this medal at this time.