Ori’s Local & World Report - Dec 4th

Day 1,110, 11:10 Published in Japan Japan by Origineel.NL

eJapan vs PTO

There are two contenders for this month presidential election. On one side we have Kita Ikki, the candidate supported by the majority of Congress to have a united candidate against calon rakyet jelata, who is the other candidate, support by a group of PTOer & multiers who have been a problem for eJapan for awhile now.

Name: Kitta Ikki
Party: Imperial Sun Party
Campaign article: Presidential Campaign – New Resource, New Challenges
Summary: Kita Ikki can be considered a old-timer with his age of 665 days and one of the serious contenders. He is a respected citizens but has had his issues with certain groups in the community particularly with Foh/Gozilla citizens.

Name: calon rakyat jelata
Party: Imperial Sun Party
Campaign article: none
Summary: A person who is considered to be a PTOer from Indonesia. Is affiliated with Sugawara Michizane who has a been President for two times but got impeached on both occasions.

Personal note: As a congressmen I have to advise our citizens to vote for Kita Ikki. This might not be the most democratic thing to do, and Calon Rakyat and his partners might tell you the government is trying to take away a democratic elections, but this is not true. The truth is that we are forced to do this due to the problems Calon Rakyat and his partners can cause if he gets elected.

Brazil signs MPP with US

Brasil signed a MPP with the USA today. In a interview I had with the Brazilian President he told me this MPP is purely a sign of friendship between the two countries. This means the Brazil( a Phoenix member) and the USA ( a Broalliance/Eden members) are now allied to each other, but not that Brazil has any plans of joining the Broalliance or EDEN.

Brazil plans on attacking South Africa

In the same interview as the one in the previous item I also asked the President about Brazils plans of attacking South Africa. He told me they are planning on attacking South Africa because according to him South Africa is controlled by Hungarian PTOers. He also said that because of this they don’t have a problem taking the Raw materials of South Africa which Brazil needs.

If you want to read the somewhat informal interview i had with the Brazilian President you can find it HERE

Indonesia declares war on Australia

Three days ago Indonesia declared war on Australia and by now have managed to conquer four regions leaving Australia with only two. This isn’t the first time Australia is being attacked by Indonesia, since the start of Erepublik the two countries have been in War with each other from time to time. It almost seems it has a become a national eHobby to whip out Ausstralia. I another reason is of course also raw materials which Indonesia needs from Australia.

Romania and Serbia sign Peace Treaty

Romania and Serbia signed a Peace Treaty two days ago. According to the Serbians they signed this PT because of changes that are being made in the War module. In the new module you can only have one open war and battle will automatically start every six hours. To make sure both countries can focus on the battles they want they decide to sign this Peace Treaty.