Organized voting, or the regular way?

Day 887, 19:35 Published in India India by Pheenic

The MAFIA Head recently announced that MAFIA was no longer going to try to PTO India. That's good news, as we can worry less as each election comes around. But that brings up another question. Should India go back to the regular way in elections, the one before MAFIA came?

When I say regular way, I mean back to the way most country's do it:The best candidate wins. In these past months, everyone who has been in Congress, or been a Party President, or even been a President, hasn't really tried to get in. That's because people in the government try for them. I'm not saying that's wrong. When a country's being PTO'ed, there's no time for democracy. But now that there is no PTO to worry about, should we forget about organizing voters, and go back to fighting for Congress seats/Party President titles/Presidential honors? Right now, every election time, there are official candidates one has to vote for. Should we go back to voting for whoever we think is best/whoever we want?

Of course, we can stay in this organized way. But I'm just saying, it might be nice to go back to regular way.