Oregon: Incumbency #4

Day 824, 22:12 Published in USA USA by Illithian

Good people of the eUS, for the fourth time I'm running for Congress. Four terms is more then I expected, but I'm proud of it. I'm hoping to keep this platform shorter then usual since I kind of ramble a lot.

I think in previous platforms I have stated and restated my experience and knowledge of game mechanics so I'm not going to go on about that. Basically, I think there are two things Congress should be focused on right now. One is revitalizing the economy, and the other is ensuring we have the funding to continue whatever wars we are in. They're kind of related. Anyway, I am in favor of 1% import taxes. Income and VATs are a different story; I've seen a lot of convincing arguments for increasing income taxes and decreasing the VAT, but I'm not entirely convinced whether I actually want to believe that. I do think our tax policy needs to be revamped though, because the VAT hasn't changed since Lana and its definitely not getting optimum revenue. Of course, Lana is also a big factor in the economy. Since a lot of people are choosing to spend their money training with her as opposed to buying stuff, there is seemingly a deflation trend. The current top news article talks a lot about this. Its called Economic Armageddon. An interesting read, but I wholeheartedly disagree with his solution. It treats some of the symptoms, but increasing inport taxes doesn't fix the root of the problem which is a deflationary trend in the value of currencies. People want gold to spend on Lana. Increasing import taxes is going to make things a little bit easier for businesses temporarily, but it won't actually fix the problem and it will end up with increased costs.

That was rambly. Sorry. But thats all I really have to say. I'll be joining Budget & Finance again, since thats where its at. We are actually debating stuff so hopefully that trend will continue next month. If you have any questions (which I doubt) put them in the comments. Don't try to PTO me like last month. *sniff*

Thanks for reading! 🙂

P.S. I'm not going to ramble and flaunt about endorsements, and I'm kind of too lazy to find banners. 😃 But here are some anyway.

Endorsed by:
America's Advancement Party

United Independants party