Orders day 20/7, UTAH (Cj Will Win)

Day 607, 12:16 Published in Israel Israel by Cj Will Win

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Now with that out of the way congratulations is due, both to us of Israel and to our allies in the USA. We held peace at bay and they not only lost in Montana, but also in Canada. Even after having their collective asses handed to them they've decided to fight again in Idaho. I guess that means they want to watch us to give them hell again.

As the war gets busier and busier it's getting harder and harder to get weapons to squad leaders. I tried to stay ahead of the game the first few battles, but through lagging and being on during different times I'll admit the most previous battles have had many people forced to buy personal weapons. If this happens to you send me a PM and I'll get you some weapons as soon as possible.

On the subject of weapons, there may come a day and soon where we will not have weapons for every soldier for every battle. We started this war with a surplus of 800-900 weapons, we've burned through them very fast and what remains may not even last us through the night. Should it happen that we don't have weapons I implore you to fight on your own money, or to fight with your fists. Fighting is fighting and will do good for our allies irregardless of weather you have government weapons and it will still help not only yourself, but our allies.

If you already fought in Montana after 00:00 server time do not fight in Idaho as you can only use the hospital once every day. Therefore make the most of what you have, fight in Jerusalem or North District, keep your wellness up and do it again tomorrow. We do not want soldiers being left with bad wellness on account of not understanding game mechanics.

I think I've used give em hell and split some heads already so...


Cj Will WIn
Minister of Defense