Order of Rhenus Day 724: Complete Failure

Day 725, 00:24 Published in Malaysia Switzerland by Order of Rhenus

The Military Order of Rhenus today commenced production of weapons with 4 members (and 2 Malaysian civilians) of the CAF Rangers having signed up at OoR Weapons Malaysia. This newspaper will henceforth be also used to give a daily report on the Order's production and distribution of arms to prove that everything produced by the CAF also arrives there and is not used for its own profit.


- eatlotacheese 14.33
- Super-Rye 14.66
- Loki-12 N/A
- Orion Nikalaos 4.01

Total Production: 6 weapons
Weapons Donated to CAF: 0 weapons

If you are wondering why none of this arrived at the CAF, there arose logistical problems. More specifically, the plan was for them to be briefly put up on the Malaysian marketplace for 0.1 MYR for SaraD who was online at the time to instantly secure them. Unfortunately, within the brief few moments of them being put up for sale and er refreshing, it seems they were bought by someone else (their identity is unknown).

The Order of Rhenus apologises for these inconveniences and will try to come up with a better way of distribution and improve the organisation of the whole procedure today. Perhaps the handing over of arms should be timed in a way that very few other people are online in Malaysia at the time, or they should be prices so highly that nobody else would buy them and after the transaction the money would be donated back to the CAF's org having taken care of the goods... Suggestions are welcome.

The Grand Master of the Order of Rhenus
HuCard de Cologne