Orange is Back in Congress

Day 1,071, 10:31 Published in Japan Japan by Geno Garon

Ladies and gentlemen of eJapan, you all knew this was coming.


It's been quite a while since my last mandate, but my platform has remained the same. Let me share with you a few of my views for what I shall be fighting for in congress.

* Increased spending on military operations (this promotes player activity)
* Increased government activities (such as Empress Day)
* Increased government transparency (declassifying "secret" discussions and logs that are no longer threats to national security)
* Increased foreign relations (through player diplomats or military assistance)
* Increased recruitment (both in-game to emigrate to eJapan, and out of game to start new characters)

These are just a few things that I want to do as a Congressman, but that need not be all. Plenty of other issues always arise, and I would like to hear from you, the voters and citizens of this country, on what you would like from your congress. So...

That's right, government cannot represent you if you do not represent yourself, so WRITE! Whether it is in an in-game PM to me, a post on your own newspaper, or threads on the forums, your input is vital not only to making sure the government is fulfilling your views and goals, but also in keeping our community talking, discussing, and being active. You are vitally important to this political machine, so I ask that you not simply vote, but speak up. Voice your opinions, so that they may be heard.

~ Geno Garon, Congressman of eJapan