Option #2

Day 707, 22:34 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello Citizens of the eUSA,

This is obviously last minute but I have discovered a shocking reality when the candidates for the CvP’s Primary came about: There is not a single (openly) right-winged candidate! With that being said I now officially start my bid for the November 5, 2009 presidential race for POTUS. I realize a lot of you out there are going to think my run, especially starting this late in the game is ridiculous, but in all honesty the real reason I am running is to help return this nation to “normalcy” so to speak, or to keep things essentially the way they are with a few minor improvements. I am a strict believer in the good honest jobs of both Presidents Emerick and Gaius. I believe that if this nation is to continue to succeed, we as a eUS nation need to continue to grow without inflicting too many wild changes. I know that often times this game has nothing to do with left or right politics but for many people out there, principles still matter, and I plan on keeping those principles with me, if we together to become a part of the White House.

Many of you will wonder what I plan to do exactly if I were to become president. Well I can tell you this: I couldn’t really do much, unfortunately game mechanics does not give the president much power and completely neglects the entire “Executive” aspect of the office. Even congress and many other entities place restrictions on the president and his powers, so to be honest the most any candidate can do is represent our eNation in the best possible manner. I would plan with your help to put our best foot forward as Gaius and Emerick have done in the past. eAmerica needs that choice of a right-winger at heart even if he can’t put the same policies to use in-game.

Foreign Policy

There are many concerns out there right now, one of the biggest being Foreign Policy. The eUS cannot suffer the same war again that almost destroyed the eUS for good. I have learned that an isolationist attitude towards other nations and international organizations does not fit into the eAmerican agenda. We need to strengthen support with our allies by continuing to aid them strategically and economically. Back when I was CvP Party President, I would often receive complaints from foreign diplomats on how slow moving and inconsistent our congress was to help them out during there time of need. We need to show our allies that it is not just our main leaders who want to help them, but our entire nation. If I became president I would propose what I have mentioned in the past, and that is a program that would seek (Through donations) to aid “bridge builders” to move to other countries to work with the foreign countries and their new citizens so that they too could have the same advantages we do, hopefully building strong relationships in the process. When it comes to international organizations, weighing our options and opinions would be my primary goal before picking a specific option. I personally don’t think eAmerica is necessarily at the stage of picking an alliance at this time anyway. What is more important is focusing on aiding the current allies we have in any way possible, ensuring their safety and ability to thrive.


Our economy is one of those concerns that remain in the business owner’s mind. So many businesses have been struggling the past few months, many not making it by and others just about to go down. Obviously the president can do absolutely nothing about this. But one thing many candidates always continue to neglect is that, yes the CBO and the Economic Council are doing there job and nobody is completely starving, but then why then are businesses still aching and citizens still running low on cash. I definitely can’t change this (again game mechanics) but nonetheless there is some influence as POTUS and I think as president, some people in congress would listen to me more than before and at least take some of what I am saying about slightly lower taxes with consideration. The money we do end up receiving, of course, should be mostly spent on the military and that is exactly the way it is now. But since we are now at peace, the need for extensively high taxes is unnecessary, and many of the eUS citizens are reliant on the promise that will some day go down instead of the constant up that has been the pattern since back when I joined this game. More likely than not, taxes will not go down, but if the majority of the revenue continues to go to the military and continues heading in that direction at least our businesses’ suffering can at least feel worth the while. I will not give up on lower taxes, but after such a great war, military takes priority.


Speaking of the military, building it up has definitely become essential. It is the way we currently go about building up our military that keeps us on good terms with other nations. We need to continue this building without becoming too overly aggressive in our manners. The current plan we are pursuing is working quite well, and I would continue full throttle on the current training division system we have in place. But nonetheless we need to move on to training newer players, recruiting and training them with the many veteran forces we already have. Our allies need our best divisions and commanders at their fingertips if they are going to succeed with our help, so structuring our recruits and training divisions would remain a necessary task, so that no one group is over exhausted. Bringing highly experienced military leaders into my administration would be a high priority, and as always the military would remain #1 on my list.

Active Citizens

As for citizen activity in the eUS, I know we can continue to work together to make this game the fun social networking site it was meant to be. It just needs a little activity and attention to detail, which I know doesn’t sound like fun, but it sure can be. Many citizens do not have a clue what to do when they join this game so they obviously quit and give up very easily. Well as Senator of Iowa, I was and I still am a firm supporter of the Mentor System that just started up again. Continuing to aid in its capacities while enhancing the Education Department would be quite a goal to reach, but I believe it can be done. Picking a veteran that knows the game and its history with precision, such as Emerick or Desertfalcon, for the Secretary of Education, would be a definite option. Getting the veteran players to spread their knowledge to the younger generation would help to alleviate more of the inactivity problem that continues to plague our great enation.

I know that eAmerica is doing quite well right now, and that many of my opponents promise to keep it that way, but I know that we can go one-step higher. My favorite eUS President of all time was Emerick the Great. His administration, in my belief, was the perfect model of how a government should run, especially in a time of crisis. Just because there is no longer a crisis does not mean that we need to revert to our old ways. I’ve always believed in my eCountry and would have gone nowhere else, even when the war broke out. I’ve seen how actions can hurt others and handling them inappropriately can make situations worse. I know we have a long way to go before we feel completely safe again, but the most I can ask you to do is remember that it is the person behind the keyboard who counts most. I recently wrote an article on the great frustration I had seeing so many good and honest people hurting each other over campaign issues and other nonsense. I want just as badly as the rest of you to see it stop. I’m asking you to give me that chance. Not many other candidates would ever dare go on to this topic because “it’s just a game,” and “RL situations don’t apply here,” which is true. But that does negate the reality that people need to be treated the same way here as they are in real life. As President of the eUnited States these values would become the epitome of my administration. Help me make this game just a little more enjoyable for our citizens. It’s the least we can do for them and their reality.

Thank you and Remember to vote Mattoze5 for POTUS 😃
God Bless America,