Optimising eRepublik - Health Buildings

Day 1,549, 12:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

Greetings. Haven't written for a while but then I reckon that's understandable considering I'm trying to finish off the Valentine mission specials as well as dealing with the trauma of having the server down for 24 hours. The horror! The horror!

Anyway, as usual with these articles, this is just a perspective - my perspective - on what you should be doing in eRepublik. It may well be wrong or inappropriate, but in that sense I rely on you, dear reader/lurker to make your observations and correct my fallacies.

On with the show.

Have a look at these:

So at level 15, you should have a Q3 health building, partly because it's easy to achieve, but mostly because the elements required are part and parcel of various missions that will make you stronger and better.

At level 15 you can also go to the trouble of getting a Q4 building. Now it will cost you, you'll need a Q2 Food Factory and a Fruits Orchard. At this stage your eRepublik life will diverge from a FTP one to a PPV one. For those of you who have the strength to gradually earn your way through patience and perseverance rather than shelling out cash, I salute you. You are better players than I will ever be.

For aggressive, short tempered and greedy players like me however, at level 20, we'll head straight to the cash machine and install an aluminum mine and upgrade our weapons factory in order to get us a shiny Q5 health building.

So here's the actual optimising part. Your MU would far prefer to see you have a Q5 building, because this means that in any critical battle you are optimising your damage without resorting to candy bars, or else having to wait an hour or two before you can rejoin the fight. However, if like me you have <1000 strength, it's really not going to make a difference.

The REAL optimisation is how you fight in eRepublik from day2day. You see, having a 500 health building allows you to fight in 5 hour cycles. Let's start at 00.00 hours with 0 health but 500 available thanks to your Q5 health building.

00.00 You now have 500 health from Q5 health building.
00.01 Train, work etc. Then burn the remaining health in combat. This will vary according to your land and factory set-up (hint:working on your grain farms may be counter-productive)
00.15 Rest
05:15 500 health. Fight.
11:15 500 health. Fight.
16:15 500 health. Fight.
00:00 At the next reset of the clock, you'll have 500 health, but if you're mad, you might wake up at 3am in the morning and eat for 100 health leaving you 600 to start off with.

Using the strategy above, you are maximising your health potential over a normal day, leaving you 8 hours sleep. There is another insane option, but that's for another time.

With circa 1500 health required for the strategy above, you'll need to be tooled up with a few Q2 food factories, or a real good MU with active support.