Oppose the decrease in the minimum wage

Day 748, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada by TommyDouglas

Once again, there is a proposal before congress to lower the Canadian minimum wage.

Once again, it is shaping up to be a close fight in Congress, but so far the edge is going to those who would seek to lower the standard of living for Canadian workers.

It is certainly a tempting proposal. For those who have reached the upper echelons of Canadian society, the benefit is obvious: lower wages means higher profits, better competitiveness with foreign firms, higher exports and in turn more contributions to the Canadian economy in taxes. Even some of those who are not in control of companies have been lulled into believing that this benefit will 'trickle down' to the rest of Canadian society.

However, the fact is that lowering the minimum wage will hurt average working Canadians - and it will damage the Canadian economy for all, even the wealthier business owners.

Lowering the minimum wage will not just effect those making minimum wage - it will place a downward pressure on ALL wages, in ALL sectors and at ALL skill levels. Every single working Canadian will see a decrease in their standard of living.

Unfortunately for business owners, the benefit of more competitiveness in the export market will be counterbalanced by a lower demand for their products on the domestic market. Some purely export-oriented businesses will benefit greatly, but those who rely on domestic consumption will not fare well in an environment of lower-waged workers.

A decreased minimum wage will discourage newer eCanadians. They will be slower to develop, slower to grow their finances. Some may quit altogether if they see their wages cut. A wage decrease may seem like a quick and easy way to benefit our corporations - but it will hurt the long-term growth of our economy, which succeeds only when our workers succeed.

It is not too late to stop this proposal! Write to your congressmen and congresswomen - and tell them what you think about their plan to lower your wages.