Opportunity Fund Update (d910)

Day 910, 17:52 Published in Canada Canada by Chemmy Boy Association
Opportunity Canada

My name is Addy Lawrence and I am the Chair of the Chemmy Boy Association, home of the Opportunity Cabal (OC). The OC is responsible for the Opportunity Fund, the Opportunity Companies and the Opportunity Knocker Girls.

It's been about two weeks since my last update and there have been quite a few purchases since.

I'm human, one investor found a typo last issue. Don't be afraid to question the data. I'll investigate so don't try the funny stuff, I'm on to it!!!

The fund broke the 1,000 gold barrier, yes!!! Now on to 10,000. I wonder what it would be like if I actually advertised?

Consider investing in the Opportunity Fund today.

Consider working for an Opportunity Company today.

Enjoy the Opportunity Knocker Girl-candy today.

Until next time, who's your daddy??!!

Addy Lawrence

Opportunity Homes

eRep's contract system is gone, you are on your own to purchase homes on the black market. Put your faith, and your gold, in the most trusted financial hands in eCanada.

I have homes in stock, donate me your gold and I will donate you back your home.

I will take homes as a trade-in, must be Q3 or higher.

One Q5 home for sale for 36.00 gold, I will accept offers.

One Q3 home for sale for 15.50 gold, I will accept offers.

Opportunity Fund Update

Here is how the fund has performed to date:

Gross monthly returns (previous report in brackets):
-for the past seven days are 3.5% (10.1😵;
-for the last fourteen days are 6.6% (8.6😵;
-for the last 28 days are 7.5% (8.8😵; and
-for the life of the fund is 5.6% (5.6😵

Here is the list of payouts for deposit holders:

How do you invest in the Opportunity fund?

Step 1: Donate your gold to me, Addy Lawrence. I will confirm your deposit with an e-mail that includes an Investment Reference Number that you can find in the cash-out value table.

Step 2: PM me that you're investing in the fund. You'd be surprised how many people don't do this. I'll reply with your investment number and it will appear on the next issue of the Opportunity Fund Update.

Step 3: Subscribe to this newspaper and track your investment.

Step 4: Cash out when you need the gold.

When you want to cash out, PM me with your investment number and I'll liquidate your investment and donate it back. I charge 2% of your deposit up front and 10% of the wealth I generate from the fund. I have never defaulted on any request for funds and trading has never been halted for this fund, knock on wood. This is a steady and reliable investment, like any daddy would offer.

If you are a member of eCanada's premier political party, The Canadian Progressive Front, I will waive the 2% up front fee!

Consider placing your war chest of gold, be it that of a political party, government ministry, or private army fund, in the Opportunity Fund and save yourself the tedium of money market management.

Opportunity Companies

Consider working for an Opportunity Company and support your investment in the Opportunity Fund.

Opportunity Hops, a Q3 grain company in Alberta.

Opportunity Lager, a Q1 food company in Alberta.

Opportunity Drilling, a Q3 oil company in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Opportunity Tix, a Q1 moving ticket company in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Opportunity Titanium, a Q3 diamond company in Nunavut.

Opportunity Armour, a Q1 gift company in Nunavut.

Opportunity Foundry, a Q3 iron company in Central Greece.

Opportunity Stone, a Q2 wood company in Alberta.

Opportunity Knockers

Ah yes, my ship for CP is setting sail and this is my campaign manager. I have a feeling that win or lose I will enjoy this campaign.

Knock, knock.

>> Who's there?


>> Opportunity who?

Opportunity Knockers!!!