Operation Scandinavia

Day 2,361, 10:59 Published in United Kingdom Armenia by GibGeordie

Daily orders, day 2360

This is a message from commander Jack Jockson to soldiers of 7th Cavalry.

For next week our priorities have changed as explained in 7th Cavalry feed. We shift our operations from liberation of the British isles to conquering Scandinavia.

Make sure you are stationed in Chile, so you won't have to spend much money for traveling, as Chile has all the MPPs we have plus more. Make sure you earn a good salary. If you see any minor glitch in daily orders, consult your Captain. Chocolate bar is not your priority.

Soldiers, your daily order is set.

Fight for Russia.

We are not to waste time on finishing operatins in British isles. Cavalry as the fastest unit shall encircle the enemy instead.

While British units got their orders to attack Norway, we will attack from the east, from Russia, where they don't expect us. When we squeeze the enemy, our armies shall meet where they shall meet.

On your horse, soldiers. We are stealing this land before Poland does.