Operation 601

Day 939, 14:22 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512


In This Feature...
Hungary and Switzerland carry out elaborate plan to attack Rhone Alps!
Interview with Vice President Paul Proteus...

Operation 601

The plan began when Switzerland and Austria (which is currently controlled by Phoenix), signed an MPP. Quickly, Hungary attacked Austria, also opening war with Switzerland. After some elaborate swaps, Hungary was knocking on our doorsteps.

That's when Hungary popped our government the question. Hungary offered Switzerland 1000 gold and two free hospitals in Romandie and D-witz in return for letting them through. President Clifford, who was no doubt getting a hard-on at this time, accepted.

So Hungary came raging through our country attacked Rhone Alps, and we've snubbed Spain for the second time in the same day.

Interview with Vice-President Paul Proteus

Backgroun😛 Though I originally tried to get an interview with the President, he was occupied, so I had to go the VP, Paul. Paul was happy enough to answer some of my questions, so here's the run down of the interview!

When did Hungary first approach the Swiss government regarding the swap plan?

As in you don't know?
Does it matter? 😛

What was your initial response?
Well, I can't talk for everyone, but initially, I didn't like it. I don't think Clifford loved Hungary dancing through Switzerland either

What changed your mind?
Well, for one thing, the SCB had.....66 gold. And as much as I hate to say it, some people aren't helping the economy, and 66 gold is [poop] when trying to stabilize the economy. Honestly, we had no choice.

Not helping the economy? Care to elaborate?
Well, first off, look at the proposals, minimum wage of 10 chf? Also, look here.

How long will Hungary hold our regions?
Well, after the fight at Rhone Alps, duh, but seriously, it should only be a few hours.

How do you think this will affect our international position?
That's a good question, I don't think anyone is sure what will happen, it will be interesting to see how Eden publicly responds.

By the way... did you watch the World Cup Game?
Hell yeah, Switzerland is going all the way!

Bit ironic, don't ya think?
Yeah, you should insert a picture of screaming Spanish guy here!

Yeah, Like that!

Well, that's all for today. Thanks!
Good talking with you.

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