Open Letter to Israel and the UZSP

Day 694, 12:12 Published in Israel Israel by Hyman Roth

Fellow eIsraeli's and Members of the UZSP,

On the eve of our Party President elections, I wanted to first and foremost urge each and everyone of you to participate and VOTE! At this time in our nation's and party's history, we stand at a crossroads. At like no other time in our history, the word geo-political stage is redefining itself. Domestically, we quickly approach what's certain to be lively, competitive, and important national Presidential election. In the coming weeks, regardless of perspective or party, participation and activity are VITAL.

United Zionist Socialist Party - Unity. Strength. Israel.

In the past few weeks, the UZSP has continued to rebrand itself and, in the process, has been reenergized. These are exciting times in the party, as we take the step from infancy to a hopeful and important role in future of Israeli politics. Our ranks have DOUBLED in the last few weeks, and already our participation and activity level by members has monumentally increased. As I've said before, in the land of the two-clickers, the active citizen is king. Our Manifesto, voted on internally and unanimously approved, will be shared with our fellow citizens once our next Party President is chosen.

Which leads me to tomorrow's election. It is a natural bi-product of rapid growth that some degree of reshuffling will occur. I don't think we should be discouraged or confounded by the number of candidates, but rather encouraged. These are exciting times for the party, and we will continue to craft our party as an efficient, effective agent for progress in eIsrael during and after the election, no matter the outcome.

My Candidacy

Needless to say, I am one of the 5 Candidates for Party President. I wanted to offer up a few brief objectives I intend to work towards if I'm given the honor of being the UZSP Party President:

- To promote the UZSP Platform in order to inform Israeli citizens exactly what we stand for and to debate the value of our plan in the national dialogue.
- To work diligently work with both the federal government and as a party to implement aggressive immigration programs - both through outreach and advertising campaigns. In addition, I hope to propose our Aid for Immigrants campaign on a national level.
- To, with the aid of our Domestic Liaison, build strong inter-party relations in an effort to curb the often paralyzing party line dichotomy. Both through direct communication and consistent PP Summits, we can help refine and civilize the national debate and agenda.
- To internally select, and actively, efficiently, and progressively promote a candidate for President of eIsrael that we feel can best lead us forward in these exciting, dynamic times.
- Within the UZSP, I hope to populate our Leadership Counsel with experienced, effective, gifted citizens for each office. We have an amazingly talented Counsel at the moment, and this should continue. We are not a myopic party led single handedly by an omnipotent President, but rather a party fueled and strengthened by its members and ideas.
- To propose weekly UZSP meetings on IRC, to engender inclusivity and harness to the power of our collective ideals and interest.

I recognize that each and every candidate on the ballot for UZSP Party President is capable and innately valuable to party and country alike. As I've stated, I don't run AGAINST any of them, but run only FOR the betterment of the Party, and in turn, the State of Israel as a whole - in hopes of harnessing our collective energies to make our beloved nation realize her spectacular potential.

National Message

To our fellow Israeli's, regardless of party or independence, right or left, we stand by you as Israeli's above all else. As noted above, we are a young, growing party, and hope to work hand in hand for the progress and betterment of Israel. We believe in our ideals, our platform, and Manifesto - yet we recognize our small nation as a place of diverse ideas. Weather as a hopeful new Party President, or in my continued role as the UZSP Chief of Staff, we pledge to contribute in any way we can, and remain an active, progressive entity on the national stage.

We are at the dawn of exciting times. I hope for tomorrow's PP elections to be the beginning of an era of renewed promise and hope for a better Israel. I hope you'll join us - as Israelis, one and all - in shepherding in a new golden age of Israel.

To all PP president candidates, UZSP and other, I wish you the best of luck.


Hyman Roth
Chief-of-Staff / Co-Founder - UZSP
Candidate for UZSP Party President
Reformed Gangster