Open letter to EDEN and everyone else, who tries to violate our independence.

Day 1,539, 08:42 Published in Finland Finland by aaliz

Yesterday the presidential elections were hold throughout the eWorld. Here in Finland, as you may have noticed, we’ve had a wide polarization. Although the polarization has mostly been between old and new players, there are also a lot of more experienced players, which have decided to join the party of Anonyymit Herrasmiehet. One of these more experienced players is zRTx and we chose him democratically to be our candidate in the presidential elections.

However, because of zRTx’s old connections with the military alliance ONE, he faced a lot of criticism and was accused to somehow disturb our relations with EDEN or even ally us with ONE. zRTx himself repeatedly denied these charges and a lot of people did believe, that he really just wanted to do his best for Finland.

There was and is not any evidence, that zRTx would’ve had intentions to PTO Finland. And I can’t understand how it can be a PTO, when a Finnish IRL-citizen and former erepublik-citizen gets democratically chosen to be the president of Finland.

Although this, I’ve received messages that the EDEN HQ, or at least its member, has organized foreign individuals to apply for a citizenship in our country and then vote for Kammo XXII. I can’t understand how anyone has the right to intervene in our domestic political issues in that way.
This is a really defamatory way to endeavor in our internal issues. It could’ve been understandable if there would’ve been any attempts to import voters to vote for zRTx.

The independence of Finland and the liberty of the Finnish people have been desecrated by foreign actors.

There is probably none clear proof that Petsku, a Distinguished Advisor of EDEN ( ), is behind this act, but he has been claimed as the man behind this act on official irc-channel of eFinlan😛
helmi 06 17:42:15 Petsku on vastuussa
helmi 06 17:47:13 mut siis kukaan muu ei ole rikkonut mitään sääntöä paitsi Petsku on toiminut toimintavaltansa äärirajoilla

EDEN is not a federation and Finland is an independent state, which has its right to choose its own leaders.

- aaliz