Open letter from eCroatian goverment to people of eRomania

Day 493, 16:28 Published in Romania Croatia by split1700

Dear friends,

As we stand today facing an escalating crisis in eBalkans there is a lot of propaganda aiming at distancing eCroatia from its allies. Articles are being published and forums are being filled with anti-eCroatian demagogy so we have come to find that it is necessary to inform our closest friends of the troubles we are up against.

In our neighbour,eSerbia, we find a element of instability in eBalkans.
eSerbia is most likely a future PEACE member,having already signed a MPP treaty with eHungary.
We are overwhelmed with the amount of anti eCroatian propaganda being spawned in eSerbia.
It was decision in the past month to cut this pro PEACE movement in eSerbia in its roots. However our plans of diplomacy have failed and only thing we are able to now in securing our homeland of eCroatia from future eSerbian aggression is a preventive strike.

Furthermore,eSerbian chauvinism and complete and utter disregard for compromise, not to mention promotion of some things that cannot be tolerated even in a game are a reason more for this action.
They insult and provoke people of eCroatia daily,one of their latest spasms of hate can be seen here on this link where they promote and "sign" for a know war criminal.

Serbian petition for war criminal avatar:

Wiki for Arkan:

This matter has gone beyond the whole PEACE vs ATLANTIS conflict,it is in full meaning of the word an eBalkan barrel of gunpowder that needs to be blown now before it takes proportions too vast.People that are in charge of eSerbia have failed to keep to basic civil decency of eRepublik and they cannot ,from our perspective,be allowed to walk with their heads high after all that has happened. We have all been witnesses to all the "Kosovo is Serbia" threads that have been spawned by these raging nationalists during past month.My dear people of eWorld,I know you have been annoyed by them,what do you think people that are directly involved in this matter in RL feel like.This is an outrage that can only be produced in eBalkans and has to stop here and now.

eCroatia badly needs this war,we are a country who in it's now almost 4 month history didn't have a single training war and our population is suffering because of it.
Only through major organizational effort did we manage to obtain a reasonably powerful mobile force that we can be proud of.But we now need more than this,we need an entire population to get behind our military and strenghten our homeland.

Today eSerbia has an MPP signed with eHungary,a prominent PEACE member.
Tomorrow eCroatia will declare war on eSerbia.
Despite all of this,we cannot continue further without support from our friends and allies as this eBalkan conflict has now spilled into neighbouring country (eHungary).
We are publishing this letter in order to gather support and understaning for our actions in eRomania and in hope to counter any eSerbian propaganda aimed at weakening trust between ATLANTIS members.

In war and in peace your faithfull ally,eCroatia.

President of Croatia