Ons vir jou Suid Afrika!

Day 1,104, 06:36 Published in South Africa Hungary by Griffmadar

Dear True South Africans,

Since my arrival I have read several English articles, Hungarian articles and a lot of bilingual ones too. However, I just cannot recall any articles written in Afrikaans. It quite interesting considering that there are so many of you.

Therefore I'd like to urge you all to write in you own language. Make us not understand your media!

I am asking you this because I strongly believe that eSouth Africa belongs to Real South Africans. If you are here, and I have been told you are, show me!

The time it will be made sure that real South Africans get the power if leave the country, I will not hesitate doing so. But I am not leaving to make the EDEN TOers happy, who know nothing about this country other than the sentence of Ons vir jou Suid Afrika! and the basic commands of CTRL + C and CTRL + V.

This land shall be sovereign and free again!