One Year Anniversary and Announcement of Congress Candidature in Vorarlberg

Day 944, 00:21 Published in Austria Austria by Travis James

Dearest Austrians,

It is with a great deal of shock that I find myself exactly one week away from celebrating my first birthday as a member of the eRepublik (and eAustrian) community. To be honest, I never expected that I would reach this point in my eRepublik life, but it appears that I have. In fact, when I look back upon the last year it is with a great deal of pride that I survey my achievements.

For example, my greatest achievement was the founding of the Austrian Independence Party so many months ago. I led the ÖIP through its first 5 months of existence and under my leadership it flourished achieved moderate success in the arena of Austrian politics. We represented a new way of thinking and we approached politics in a pragmatic and organized fashion. What truly set us apart from the other parties of the time is that we weren’t part of the old guard. We were not content to see the other parties continue down a path which we knew in our hearts wasn’t in the best interests of the nation. The fact that a small group of relatively inexperienced players were able to begin a party and see it rise to a position of considerable influence is my most worthy accomplishment to date.

Although many, indeed most, of you likely have very little idea who I am, I was once an extremely committed citizen of Austria as my extensive congressional (8 terms) and Ministerial (2x Foreign Affairs & 2x Immigration) history illustrates. In order to celebrate the first anniversary of my eBirth I would like to re-dedicate myself to the cause of this nation and its freedom. However, I am no longer “in the know” as to who the most important politicians in the nation are and I find myself unable to re-enter the world of politics in any substantial way. I would, however, like to make myself available to the people of Austria and to the current leadership in any capacity possible.

For a start, I will be making an effort to spend time upon the IRC each day (RL work permitting). In addition to this, I will once more be a candidate for the Austrian congress in the region of my eBirth (Vorarlberg) come the elections on 25 June. I will be a candidate for the reformed Austrian Independence Party (ÖIP) which currently employs the name Oesterreich Independence Party as the old party is located in Croatia after their successful attempt to wipe Austria off the map several months ago.

In any event, I would appreciate any votes that I can get for my re-election bid and I promise that I will do anything and everything that I can to make Austria an even greater place to live. I will be and have always been a congressman who is more than willing to listen to the ideas of my constituents and take their ideas, proposals and concerns into account when it comes to legislation and other government duties to which I have been assigned. I pledge that if I am re-elected I will be a voice for the people who matter in Austria, YOU!

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Forever in Your Service,

Travis James
-ÖIP Founder and Former Party President x5
-Austrian Congressman x8
-Former Austrian Minister of Immigration x2 & Minister of Foreign Affairs x2