One up, one down [UK]

Day 566, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom Romania by sebahmah

A while ago, I wrote a preatty ahrsh article against UK and USA, where i was talking about another point of view on how ATLANTIS failed.

I was talking there about the how USA's neutrality hurt allies in need and how UK fails to take the side of allies.

Well, i think it is FAIR to admit i was aprtially wrong..

One Up

USA decided to become neutral, and it managed to this in a balanced and diplomatic way. Keeping fair realtions with ex-allies, and being resonable with decision making. USA didn't take sides, they repsected old allies like Sweden and had overall a mature diplomatic aproach, where the voice of scrabman tried to mediate a sollution to conflicts. That was a great effort for US.

Still, although many Romanians were disapointed with USA's decission in becoming neutral, Romania will not easly forget the activity of the US Marines, who bravely fought against Indonesia, and more than once spend Gold for operations.

As a simple Romanian citizen i hope that although Romania and USA are not bonded through an official alliance realtions will remain friendly and warm.

One down

As ATLANTIS fell, UK was one of the countries quickly turning to old enemies in search of new allance,s new oportunities. Latest happenings confirms that UK had anti-ATLANTIS GOV members since a while that ploted against the allaince. One fo them is kumnaa, it was clear that a friendhsip with Michael Collins can't mean anything good. Not only UK leadership refused to aid old allies like Sweden and Poland, but theya ctivelly invested GOLD against their campaign.

UK never moved a cent while Romania was besieged by Indoensia and Hungary, but felt it is propper to support Germany against Sweden and Poland. We saw yesrday how UK tanks fought with UK GOV money agaisnt Sweden and Poland. It is clear that UK was one of the main reasons ATLANTIS failed.

kumnaa, gokujones and many others were anti-ATLANTIS infilitrated in saradroz's government. Now, with them having full power we can see their true face, and we can understadn why leaking and many more problems happened. Too bad for the work shadowukcs and hassan invested.

- UK refused to close wars with Swedena dn Poland
- UK issued orders for their fighters to engage against former allies
- UK invested GOLD in tanking against Sweden and Poland
- UK proposed an MPP with Latvia taking sides against another former ally, Finland
- UK closed MPP with Croatia, while they were abused by Hungary

Facts are pretty clear, UK managed to hurt almost all their former allies in ATLANITS, many of these actions happening while ATLANTIS was still on.

I still think the casual british citizen doesn;t realise the machiavelic play of leaders like kumnaa and don't realise that under alse pretexts and propaganda, they were tricked in doing the lowest moves posible.

One up, one down

US please forgive me, UK prepare to pay.

A simple Romanian citizen