One of our biggest problem: There is no communication

Day 2,359, 06:36 Published in Japan Japan by H E X

I'm not here for a long time, but I see a really big problem. At the current situation it'd be essential to be communicative. I played Tribal Wars for years (I know the game mechanism is completely different, but some things are just same) and tribes disappeared because the leaders didn't care about to communicate with the members. We have the same problem. We know almost nothing about what our government doing, or what are their main goals.

In this way we won't be able to mobilize the citizens, because they - at least I - see that there nothing happens, and this is demoralizing and depressing. Everyone gets their own way, and at this rate nothing will change.

First of all the government should keep inform us, tell us about their plans, what kind of goals do they want to achieve. I think after this, it will be easier to unite.

Hopefully our new president and the new(?) government will do this.
If one of them reads it, I want to ask you: Please involve us in the country's affairs.