ONE Gold For EVERYONE! Glove IS Love!

Day 1,474, 23:27 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II
Do you want one gold?

Yes, that's right. I am giving away one gold to each and every person who meets a few simple conditions.

#1- Vote/Sub this article and write Glove IS Love, your vote & sub number in comments(or say if you already are subscribed)
#2- Shout this article to all your friends.
#3- Get this article to #1 in international news.
#4- Glove(Gagon The Great Cajeta Lover) must win eUSA Presidential Election!

How will I pay for this? If you all actually answer my call, I will make a gold purchase to make good on my promise. Those who have done business with me or been offered giveaways in the past know that I keep my word as long as my conditions are met. 🙂 Let's do it!

Glove IS Love!
Pizza The Hut II
NCP Party President
Glove Campaign Manager
Bajillion Star General