ONE's biggest problem

Day 1,527, 08:50 Published in Serbia Serbia by Hromoplast

Поздрав, другари! Опростите што нема чланка о ратним дешавањима али ја имам испитна дешавања па сам (био) заузет. Овај чланак ће бити на енглеском и бавиће се највећим "проблемом" који наш савез тренутно има.
Надам се да ће вам се свидети идеја која, колико ја видим кроз узвике, није свежа али је смртоносно делотворна.

ONE has many problems according to EDEN HQ and other trolling apparatus of the two hostile alliances. In reality, the only problem that ONE has is a lack of influence on the battlefield caused by the change of Turkish hearts.
ONE now has -2x Turkish influence because that influence not only disappeared from ONE but was added to ONE's enemies. And it shows up clearly on the battlefield.
ONE showed that their mutual relations are much more important than influence on the battlefield, unlike people in the EDEN HQ (not all EDEN citizens, don't get me wrong).
So now we come to the point of this article:
ONE's biggest problem.
Apart from the lack of influence (it's pretty much balanced between the two blocks now) ONE's greatest problem is the lack of strategic regard for bonuses. And I don't mean only friendly bonuses but enemy ones as well.
tEDEN trolled ONE about having a few countries with a full set of bonuses for a long time. Now, Poland has 7, Macedonia has 6 and all other members has 4 or less bonuses.
Now let's look at tEDEN bonuses:


In their "non-imperialistic quest for freedom" they have managed to get their hands on a full set of resources.
US original territories hold 5 resources and they have 1 bonus in Mexico, 2 bonuses in Spain and 2 bonuses in France.
Liberating the regions in Mexico and Spain will result in declaration of these two nations for NE of the USA and resistance wars in these territories are mostly good for taking away their influence. Yes, for some unknown reason, Asturias has a border with Virginia so it's a direct target after a successful RW.
However, a resistance war in the region of Aquitaine will take away 3 bonuses and bring the USA in a situation where they would have to attack their own allies in order to return the bonuses. That usually doesn't end well. Rubber, grain in France and deer in Spain are all connected to the US capital via the region of Aquitaine.

USA has regions in both A3 and B3 zone of travel and is thus an ideal target for resistance wars.

These guys also have a full set of bonuses with 5 in original regions, 1 in Peru, 1 in Paraguay and 4 in South Africa. The difference here is that Brazil has Spain as a NE already so they cannot return their bonuses once lost (at this time). Three resistance wars can be started and a lot of influence can be drained there. With a standard RW in Spain, Brazil can be driven out of commission in no time.
The primary target here, as with the USA, is the region connecting the bonuses: Northern Cape in South Africa.

Brazil has regions in the B3 zone which is within striking range of Spain, Macedonia and Serbia.

A nice change in the Terra family as Russia occupies regions of a country she's not even neighbouring. Yes, Russia extended her influence over western Lithuania and southern Sweden. With these occupied regions Russia has a set of 8/10 bonuses.
Russia has the same problems as her Terra allies, only worse: Russia has 2 connection regions under her flag!
Lithuanian Minor region is connecting all three bonuses and Scania is connecting two.

Russia is also unique because of the fact that it has 5 hostile neighbouring countries: ABC, Poland and Sweden. If these were to propose Russia as their NE all hell would break loose. The problem here is that Finland and Belarus can help out Russia immediately with their own NE proposals.
Russia has regions in the A3 zone making it a great target for all ABC and ONE countries except Serbia, Macedonia and Iran.

Just like Russia, France has a 8/10 set of bonuses:
5 bonuses in their home regions and 3 bonuses in England. Am I the only one who sees this? 4 Terra countries that have 5 bonuses at home...?
Never mind that now, back to France.
France has all of their bonuses in England. The problem is that the very moment they loose a region they just declare England for their NE and win it back. Until now, that is.
If everything goes according to plan and Macedonia looses Apulia, France will be stuck in a NE war with Macedonia for at least a week!
ONE should be targeting the connection region, again. South East of England connects all three bonuses with France.

France has only regions in A3 but might extend into B3 by conquering a region in Italy from Macedonia. This will make here reachable for all ONE countries.


Seriously, China is nothing more than a bonus factory for EDEN. She's the only country that has a full set of bonuses and hosts most EDEN units' production. She's also surrounded by allied and/or friendly nations excluding South Korea and Pakistan which are now fully occupied.
Now let's take a look at their bonuses:
5 original bonuses, 3 in Pakistan, 1 each in India and North Korea.
Indian bonus would be hard for them to return because it would involve a war between members of the same alliance (India is GEA, which is essentially EDEN), however Pakistani and Korean bonuses are nothing more than a drain of influence. A drain of ONE influence, that is.

China has regions in the B4 zone making it a target for the Balkan part of ONE but is hard to oppose correctly.

Oh, she is almost the ideal target. Bulgaria has a set of 8/10 bonuses 4 of which are in their original regions. She has two bonuses in both Russia and Ukraine. That means that 4 of their bonuses are in the territory of an allied country, making it harder for them to compensate that loss.
They have two connecting regions:
Northern Caucasus which connects all four bonuses;
Taurida which connects two bonuses.

They have regions in both A3 and B3 zones making them an ideal target for all of ONE.

Greece has a set of 8/10 bonuses just like Bulgaria. They also have the luck in the shape of three connecting regions!
Lower Egypt is the universal region, connecting 2 bonuses;
Red Sea Coast and Al Madinah both connect two bonuses.
At the moment, Greece has their NE stuck on Macedonia. However, that war will be finished very soon and they will have the liberty of returning their bonuses with ease.

Greece has regions in the B3 zone, making them easily accessible to the Balkan part of ONE.

One of the strongest countries in EDEN, Croatia has found 6 bonuses in their new homeland in Mexico. They had 7 bonuses but lost one of them while conquering Serbia. They too have two connection regions:
South East of Mexico and Caribe e Insular. On top of that, none of the regions in South America are original regions and thus Croatia can be put back to their original regions in the Balkans via a combination of RWs.

They have regions in the B3 zone which makes them a solid target for Southern ONE.

Portugal has a set of 6/10 bonuses which is kind of intriguing since they are a pretty weak nation. All of their extra bonuses are located in Venezuela and connected via a single region: Guayana.
They have no NE at the given moment so they should be able to reconnect their bonuses in less than two days.

Their regions are located in the B3 zone which makes them a solid target for Southern ONE.

Another member of EDEN with a set of 6 bonuses. They have three original bonuses and enjoy the rest of them only due to the fact that they have occupied their ally Norway. One of their bonuses is a original region of Sweden which was seceded to Finland as part of a peace treaty.
All of their bonuses are connected via Nord Norge-Trondelag connection and loosing any of those two regions would mean that they loose all bonuses.

Finland is situated in the A3 zone, making it a target for Northern part of ONE.

Other enemy nations:

Interesting fact:
As greedy as Turkey is, they only have 9/10 resources. They are blocked by China, from their last bonus in India.
Turkey also has a few connection region problems:
Northernwestern Iran connects all bonuses;
Hormozgan and Eastern Province connect two bonuses;
Sistan and Baluchistan and Balochistan connect one bonus.
The main problem with Turkey is that they have a free NE. They are now surrounded by friendly countries from every side and are free to reclaim lost bonuses.

Turkey is located in the B3 zone making them an easy target for Southern part of ONE.

They have a set of 7/10 bonuses but will not be analyzed in this article.

I hope you see what the biggest problem is and that you are willing to be a part of the cleaning crew. We know what their weak spots are. We know where to strike. It is time!