On the resistance war in Vorarlberg

Day 564, 21:43 Published in Canada Canada by Pifreak

-The resistance war was started by Kajbollach.
-His most recent shout was two months ago. The Polish roughly translates to "They [presumably the admins] have taken away my [Battle] Hero medal, but they have left the gold". The next shout is a copy/paste of the message received from Plato when a Battle Hero medal is won. Along with the lack of a Battle Hero medal on his profile info, it supports the fact that he had gotten a Battle Hero medal, but had it removed by the admins.
-His donation list shows a transaction between him and an organization whose name translates to "National Bank of Poland". It involves him sending 50 Gold to the Bank and receiving 1 item, 54.25 Gold, and 3 items in return. At this time, the donations were made 8 hours ago.
-The National Bank of Poland donation page shows a steady stream of 1 item donations to a variety of people, including donations from 7 hours ago and 9 hours ago - there is nothing on the donation list that shows a transaction 8 hours ago.
-Incidentally enough, the resistance war started 8 hours ago.
-Kajbollach's donation list includes a 5 Gold donation from rsyqu. His donation list shows nothing.
-Kajbollach has had transactions with someone called Termos - quite a few transactions, it turns out. In fact, Termos's donation list includes virtually every currency found in eRepublik, and items to boot.
-In addition, 10minutesplayer has also made varying transactions with Kajbollach, and interestingly enough, a 2 item donation to Termos. And yes, I have the same avatar as 10minutesplayer - after all, there must be a few Mozilla Firefox users around the world who play eRepublik.

Has anyone else noticed these somewhat intriguing facts?

Whatever the case, something seems a bit fishy.

Supporting screenshots, just in case:
Excerpt of National Bank of Poland's donation list
Kajbollach's profile with most recent shout
Kajbollach's profile with second most recent shout
Excerpt of Kajbollach's donation list
rsyqu's donation list
Excerpt of Termos's donation list
Excerpt of 10minutesplayer's donation list
Second excerpt of 10 minutesplayer's donation list