On the current state of The Worker's Party of Korea, and other parties.

Day 2,195, 07:28 Published in North Korea Iran by Ismail Ali Darwish

Pyongyang, Day 2.195, Juche 23 November 102(2013)

In the latest events in our country, it has become apparent that the existing political parties are lead by the Chinese spies and traitors.

Even the 'president' traitor Kassare is from the Worker's Party of Korea, a party formerly known for its great Socialist Ideas and Socialist Construction proposals.

According to my personal research, which is closely related to our latest efforts to re-implement the system of Songbun classification, I found that all the existing political parties are lead by the Chinese traitors, except one!

Even though The Worker's Party of Korea has some Core-Class Socialist members, the leadership is only Chinese traitors, so unless the majority of the party are Core-Class Socialist members which will vote for a good leader, a vote for that party is useless, and may be a vote for the Chinese occupation of our Country!

Today, a very good Socialist Comrade, in order to save the Worker's Party of Korea from the imperialists, advised all citizens to vote for the Worker's Party of Korea.
I gave him the following answer in order to make all of us realize that these parties are led by the class-enemies and are confirmed spies and traitors:

"Dear Comrade.

A vote for The Worker's Party of Korea isn't a smart vote right now. Their leader is the BIGGEST Chinese traitor, and they won't even let you run for congress if they read this.
I was member of the Worker's Party of Korea, but left the party yesterday because there are so many Chinese rats in that party.

Instead, all patriotic Koreans who want to rid their Motherland of the Chinese imperialists, should join, and vote for: Korean Patriotic Front.

The Korean Patriotic Front is the only party without Chinese traitors.

After the Korean Patriotic Front becomes the biggest party, or has a majority in congress, we will take back the Worker's Party of Korea from the Chinese rats. It will be much easier then because then they wont have the power they have now.

My advice to all patriots is to vote for the Korean Patriotic Front until The Worker's Party of Korea is taken back from the Chinese spies and traitors. On top of that, the mastermind of the Korean Patriotic Front, Shyran, was the original founder of The Worker's Party of Korea!

Best regards,

Your eternal Comrade and friend"

To make things even more clear, I have composed a list of parties led by the Chinese imperialist traitors.

- Great Nation Party
A small party led by Paolo Cheng, a confirmed Chinese spy.

-eNorth Korean Residents Party
Led by traitor dawenxi, this party is composed almost entirely of Chinese spies. On top of that, its not even a Socialist party, so it should be banned in the first place for not being socialist.

- Korean People's Party
This would look like a great party on the first review, but if you look closely, the leader of the party, JohnnyC.DeppII, is a hardline Chinese traitor, and he is member of SMART, a Chinese military unit responsible for the occupation of our Country! On top of that, only 3 members are Core-Class Socialist citizens, the rest are traitors and suspects!

- Peace Party
The name of this party doesn't fit it's goals. This is the party of MeiFawAn, who is, after Kassare, the worst and most dangerous Chinese traitor! Some Core-Class citizens are member of this party, but the reason for that must be that they don't know the truth about this evil pro-war and pro-occupation party!

-The NYAN CAT Revolution
One would think that this party, with its funny name, has nothing to do with the Chinese imperialists. This couldn't be more wrong! Not a SINGLE Core-Class citizen is a member of this party, and it's leader ZY1524 is a confirmed Chinese traitor, the confirmation being from a very reliable source.

-Worker's Party of Korea
When compared to all the parties above, this party has the most Core-Class citizens by percentage, however most of them aren't active players, and had they been active, they'd probably join the Korean Patriotic Front. This party is led by Chinese imperialst traitor president Kassare, which is one of the worst traitors working for the Chinese occupation and Chinese interests. Yesterday, the party lost almost half of it's members (All of them Core-Class Socialists) to the
Korean Patriotic Front. Kassare and his Chinese puppets want to refill the party ranks, so today there has been an influx of fake and inactive members to this party, the five latest of them being:

Hortus Apothicus
Colbie Caillat
Baud Chan

The Korean Patriotic Front is the only party composed 100% of Core-Class Socialist citizens, so a vote for this party will be a vote against the Chinese imperialists!

When The Korean Patriotic Front wins the election, we will take over the Worker's Party of Korea, formerly being the best Socialist party of the country, back from the Chinese imperialists and thereby safeguard the Headquarters of the Revolution once again!

by I.A. Darwish