On Taxes and Such

Day 1,499, 06:33 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Yesterday Dru wrote an article about taxes and structures concerning such. I felt I'd take some time to discuss it since I have alot of experience in the plan he was discussing and first hand knowledge. Far back in January 2011 I was handed the presidency of eCanada with a treasury than equaled zero, nadda, zip, zero. No matter how I looked at it the standard income tax based taxation system wasn't going to rebuild the country. While the idea wasn't mine I was the CP to bring it to congress as a full out proposal and have it implimented. I also briefly discussed it on pirateradio a little over a weekago, prehaps we can return to it more (shameless plug.)

VAT based taxation is a way to raise the maximum amount of taxes while keeping overall taxes to a minimum. In practice in has shown that roughly a 1-2% increase in VAT can replace a 5% value of income tax. This allows us to look at one of the important factors on player effect by VAT increases. This is really where the question of changes come in, how do we collect as much money through taxation without alienating our player base.

The first most important place of effect is the ever secret adminbot. It buys constantly everyday. While it's main purpose is to make gold expensive enough we need to buy it with RL cash, the side effect is it pumps alot of money into the system. VAT basically makes it pump money to the gov't as well, it's a license to print money free staight from the admins.

Now your first worried group will be MU's, how can we survive with extra taxes when buying. First off most MU's are commune based and manufacture their own tanks. If they do buy, they buy extra raws. Raws are not effected by VAT you can't tax them, only finished products. Basically in the overall it doesn't change anything to most MUs. Secondly if a large MU really needs to buy tanks and pay out VAT the money is only going to the gov't coffers which is most likely funding the MU to some point. This basically means the money is just travelling in a circle and not going anywhere. If a MU doesn't recieve funding and doesn't like the extra VAT they are forced into I'm sure they could apply to be sanctioned and ask for a rebate, we're not monsters.

The next effect is to the average player. Stuff costs more, how can they eat and fight when stuff costs more. Simply put they just got a 25% raise. The ability to cut income tax puts more money in their pockets and they can now buy more. It's the easiest thing in the world to see, what happens when people get their income tax returns? They spend it, maybe they save it up to buy a new business to ply more goods to sell to the admin bot. People having more of their earned money isn't a bad thing.

The last thing I'll add on to this is how it effects the economy as I just said things would be more expensive. That's technically not accurate. In observance of the effect it turned out just like anything else. Yes there was a short term spike where prices increased. Like anything else it was short lived and the market settled after a couple weeks. Long term prices were not really effected that much.

As I had declred my intention to run for POTUS, I am quite willing to discuss this farther with congress down the road.

Your goddess,