On Re-election

Day 582, 09:33 Published in Ukraine Italy by Irov

Dear friends:

I just wanted to write a quick article to share with everyone my goals as I stand for re-election to Congress from Bassarabia this month. For those who don't know me well, I'll apologize once again for my inability to speak Ukrainian, and if anyone would like a translation into Ukrainian or another language I'll happily do my best to provide one.

Over the last month, Ukraine has experienced tremendous--perhaps unparalleled--growth. We've seen both a large rise in Ukrainian babies being born and immigration from other areas of the eWorld, resulting in a population which is now more diverse and interesting than ever. Many of these new citizens are now running for Congress as well, bringing with them a wide variety of ideas about what should be done with taxes, wars, embargoes, and other important issues.

As many of you know, it has never been my habit to campaign a platform of issues--Ukraine has plenty of able congressmen to propose different types of legislation, and I prefer to decide on each issue individually to make sure it benefits Ukraine's unique needs at the given time. My focus instead has always been the establishment and maintenance of social programs, and I'm proud to say that thanks to the hard work and efforts of many Ukrainians, much has been accomplished to help new players and veterans alike over the last several months. To build on these successes, I'd like to focus on the following things over the next month:

#1: A new welcome message for Ukrainians.
While the existing welcome message provides basic details for new players, it was only designed to be a temporary measure until a new, more complete message could be written. This message should inform new players not only of how to get a job and train, but also of where to find important information and help from veterans of the game. So I'd like to establish a small committee to create a new message (including links to the Ukrainian tutorial, the Welfare Economics Institute, and other sources of help) for Congress to vote on as soon as possible.

#2: A revived constitution for Ukraine.
Most Ukrainians are probably unaware that there was at one time (long before most of us were born) a movement to write a constitution for Ukraine. The effort was buried when Ukraine was conquered by Romania and has not been seen since. But the document still exists, and I believe it should be resurrected, completed, and voted on by Congress to give our country an official government. This would not be a particularly difficult undertaking, but I believe it could be an important source of pride for new and old Ukrainians alike.

#3: A national mentorship program for new Ukrainians.
While this effort would be the most difficult to coordinate, I believe it would also be the most important measure we as Ukrainians could take in the next month. While many new players are born in our country each day, most of them have little idea of how to get involved in national life beyond the very basics of working, training, and eating. Establishing a national mentorship program would provide valuable communication to new players looking for ideas and help; it would help those players become more interested and invested in their country and their game; and it would give veteran players a great opportunity to help others. It is my firm belief that the most important job of Congress is to create a nation where everyone can enjoy playing, and I believe that this step is an important one in accomplishing that goal.

Of course, much more could be said on any of these topics than I have space for here, so I'm happy to answer any questions anyone might have on any of these ideas. Feel free to ask or provide suggestions as well.

Be well, dear friends, and all my best wishes from Bassarabia!